😸Snow Ball😸

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The drums are getting louder and my heart is sinking deeper.

Marcus just took off his belt and as he makes to yank my trousers off, I am already devising how, when, and where I would commit suicide.

Should I kill him first and then kill myself? But I would have to wait till I am healed. Should I go home and see my family one last time? Or should I just jump into a river on my way home as I don't know how to swim?

"Don't cry dear, It's not gonna hurt. Well, it might, but I'm here for you. I promise to do all I can to make this fun" He says as he struggles to get my trouser past my ass.

My crying becomes more audible at the sound of these words.

"Oh come on Laina, don't cry. You should be happy. The mayors' only son is about to give you the biggest org*sm of your life! Don't you like that? A lot of girls out there would kill to get what I want to give you right now. "He adds.

"Then why not give it to them?" I scream and he replies to me with a cold smirk which causes my heart to snap and lips to seal.

I sit lifeless as I cry away my peace of mind and happiness.

A few minutes ago, I was looking towards having a wonderful day, but now, I am planning how I would end my life in the nearest future.

Just as my trouser reaches my knees, totally revealing my thighs, he puts his fingers into my underpants. I try to stop him by closing my thighs and this attracts another blinding slap.

I feel pain take over my body and I close my eyes as I accept my fate. I feel his fingers run up and down my privates and I just close my eyes in sorrow as I pray my last.

"Hey! "I hear a calm voice with much authority call. I know I am not the only one who heard it as Marcus also turns in the direction the voice came from.

What I see after turning has no logical explanation. It's a cat. A white beautiful cat. As white as a Snow Ball. It is seated majestically on the table that is just a few feet away from Marcus and me.

It has its tail on its legs and is just glaring at Marcus. Its eyes are blue... Crystal blue. Just like mine. Something about the cat soothes me and warms my heart.

Although, where did the voice come from? Who said that?

Marcus throws a book at the cat and the cat skillfully dodges it and assumes its old position.

For some reason, I feel this cat is my last hope as I have become too weak and wounded to help myself.

My sanity must no longer be intact after all this for me to be placing my safety in a Cat!

Marcus tries to pursue this cat, but no! The cat does not move. It stares at Marcus with daring eyes and this just angers Marcus. He walks towards the cat and the cat jumps to the next table when this action repeats itself about three more times, the cat had successfully led Marcus away from me.

I struggle to get back to my feet and pull my trousers up. Using one hand of course. As the wrist of my other hand is in bad shape.

My hood and bag are on the seat that is just a few steps away from where I am. I try to be as fast as I can as I put my hood on over my bare body.

Just as I am about to put my bag on, Marcus grabs my hair from behind. He turns me to face him.

"I told you, you're not leaving without me getting what I want! Just give it to me or I would be forced to take it!

You have no freaking choice, Laina! You're mine! "He screams.

At this point, the parade is directly beneath us. Outside the library. The room is quickly filled with the sounds of the loud drums.

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