Estevans POV

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My mind begins to race as I have no idea what to do. I'm not thinking straight, and it takes great power to pause time. Power I do not possess.

I can't let anyone see Laina like this or here even!

"Go! I'll clear her name. " Gina snaps me out of my head while pointing at the window.

I don't waste time wondering how she is going to do that, but all I know is my Laina must be safe.

I head towards the window with a zombie-like Laina beside me. It's going to be a nasty fall but I could conjure a clean landing for us.

We hear someone founding with the door, and Gina screams at me.


I drag Laina with me down the window, and just as we begin to cut through the air, I hear someone open the door.

We land soon smoothly on the ground, and I exhale in relief as Laina didn't get hurt. If I wasn't a ghost, we would have fractured some bones jumping from that height.

I take a look at Laina who is surprisingly looking at me. It still feels odd to have her being able to see me while I'm in this form.

For the first time in my life with her, I feel something sharp in my chest. Something... Different. I smile at her and begin to pull her into the dead night of the forest.

No one can afford to see her like this!

Getting tangled in a murder case is the last thing she needs right now.

Lucas POV;

Tina and I had spent about five minutes talking to Mr. Gregory but the old man just won't let us in! He said Marcus didn't want to see us, and that pissed me off.

He can't give me that crap when my sister is in there with a demon! I push the old sack aside and Tina and I make our way up the stairs.

I hear him groan but I don't turn back to look at him. He has done enough wrong in his miserable life for me to care.

I barge into Marcus's surpringly dark room. If I happen to flip the light switch and find my sister under Marcus's sheets, today very well will be the day he dies.

I begin to search for the switch but for some reason, I don't find it. I feel Tina walk past me but I don't bother to ask where she is going. She very well may be in search of a light switch as well.

Something smell a bit foreign. Tina suddenly turns the lights on, but I'm forced to turn around due to the horrifying scream she let out.

Her scream makes goosebumps run up and down my spine. However, I freeze when I turn to find her standing frozen beside Marcus's bed. I dare to look at the bed and every single form of life in my chest dies.

Goosebumps the size of mosquito bites cover every single inch Of my body. I want to run out of the room, but I can't, I can't stop looking.

Tina falls on the side table beside the bed and only then do I snap out of my trans. I run over to her and pull her to her feet. I wrap her in a tight embrace and turn her face away from the body

While I still can't take my eyes off this devastating sight. It's... It's Marcus. I swear I wanted to hurt him but I would never have the guts t do it this way.

His bed is drenched in blood. His sheets on the floor, his lifeless eyes open and staring into the ceiling. An expression of shock stuck on his face but that's not all!

Deep cuts in his stomach, and worst... His... pen*s had been detached from its roots and is laying on the bed beside him.

Tina begins to sob in my arms and just then, the side lamp beside the bed that Tina had turned on, fluctuates and goes off.

What's going on!?

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