The Ghost In My Attic 2

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Lainas POV;

I stand still expecting an answer from this stranger, but then he motions towards the boxes before the window, and I raise a brow at him.

"You might want to sit down. "He says, and I stare into his face for any signs of danger. I find none, so I decide to follow obediently.

I know he is a total stranger and I should be alarmed by him, but I feel some sort of safety and warmth around him. Peace I have never felt before flows through my system.

And besides. If he were to harm me, I have nothing to lose, and my plans for later this night will just be made faster.

I sit and I can't take my eyes off him. For some reason, he seems none human... His aura is too... Serene.
Although I feel at peace, I can still feel the hair on my skin standing. They just refuse to relax. Why?

But back to my question,

Estevan's POV;

"Why won't you answer? "Her voice demands after a few seconds of silence.

"My name's Estevan, and yes I'm going to answer your questions but you won't believe me, "I reply.

"Just talk. "She orders, and I nod.

"Okay, this used to be my house over 15 years ago," I reply and stop, to see her reaction.

"That's a lie! This was Mayor Jacobs's house! "She replies. Outraged by my words, and I give a tight smile.

"Let me finish. "I reply to calm her down, and she falls silent.

"My name is Estevan. Estevan Jacobs. "I continue, but she doesn't let me finish before she stands up.

"Listen up... I have got things to do tonight and you breaking into my house and claiming to be a relative of the mayor who disappeared years ago is not something I am going to welcome.

Me giving you a chance to speak is not saying I'm dumb. If you wanna harm me, go ahead... I have nothing to lose. But I'm calling everyone and the cops! "She warns, and my eyes widen. I knew this would happen.

She raising an alarm is the last thing I need... I need to do something to stop her. And fast...

"I know about Marcus... "I say, and with that, she stops dead in her tracks.

"About the library, the white cat and Gina. "I continue and anger slowly washes off her face.

She stares at me with eyes wide but lips concealed in total silence. What could she be thinking? I didn't want to hurt her, I just needed her to stop.

I proceed before she stops me.

"Look, I am Estevan Jacobs. Sonia Jacobs is my younger sister. If you would only give me a chance, I will explain how I wound up here and what happened 15 years ago. Just please let me talk Laina. "I beg.

She stands still looking at me with tears forming in her eyes. If only my stone had absorbed enough moonlight, I would be able to read her mind. But I need about five hours more to get it fully in shape.

She blinks her tears away slowly before nodding and sitting down back on the box. Her gaze fixed On me.

Looking into her eyes, I understand that my statement has brought back memories. Memories that crushed the mask of normalcy she'd been wearing earlier.

Her eyes, a sea of emotions. Floating about without an anchor to hold them down.

"I'm listening. " Her hoarse voice breaks the silence.

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