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Tina's POV;

I feel bad for the things I said to Luca. I didn't mean to hurt him nor pull his strings.

I was just so worked up. You can't have a boyfriend as hot as Luca and be relaxed.

One of the issues with dating a guy is that is every girl's dream. I know he is really mad at me. He didn't even say a word when I called.

He was right, I am acting like his mother. I keep tabs on his movement and relationship with other girls. I'm pretty sure I am putting more effort than his real mother does.

I'm so sorry for bing a jerk. I hope he doesn't hate me now. Him breaking up with me could kill me.

Lainas POV;

I woke up with a slight headache. I guess staying up till 3:00 am crying has its punishments. Of course, it would.....

I was astonished when I looked at the wall clock. It read 3:00 pm. I had slept for so long!At least I slept almost the whole day and that too without seeing Marcus. I had almost expected to now see him everyday.

It felt like I was always going to have to deal with his assaults for the rest of my life. But a part of me told me that he had no right to touch me with his filthy hands and I should put him in a state where he'd have to beg for my mercy... But the question is... How?

For some reason, I feel empty and odd. I can sense something horrible coming.

I am no prophetess, but whenever I have a hunch like this, I am never wrong... I don't have them often. But when I do, I am always right.

I head to my bathroom and take a bath. After which, I take a pair of light blue jeans, then a white long sleeve. I tie my hood to my waist as I did not feel the need to put it on but... It is an essential part of my dressing. For some reason, Without hoods... I feel somewhat naked. I grab a pair of black sneakers and put them on.

I then take my phone and connect it to my headphones. I honestly just use my phone for music and research as I only have four people's numbers on it. Luca's, my mother's, my father's, and Mrs. Wilson's.

I head downstairs and find my mother's head on the table. She is sobbing, and my father is sitting in front of her. Just staring into space. Luca is nowhere to be seen.

When they notice my presence, they force themselves to smile.

"Laina, you're up! I thought you planned on sleeping the whole day. " My mom says. Letting out a little chuckle as she rises to hug me.

But I know that smile is not from her heart as she looks too worried and disturbed.

" Where is Luca?? " I reply as I feel the house is to quiet for Luca to be in it.

"He snuck out of the house this morning! " My mom announces in what seems to be frustration, before breaking into sobs.

" I don't know why he is so stubborn! I told him last night that he needs rest and I won't let him go anywhere. But on getting to his room this morning, he was gone! "The continues and starts crying.

"What If he passes out again? He isn't even picking my calls. I don't feel good. "She adds, and confesses as she begins to cry harder.

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