Lucas POV

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{Song for the moment; Walking In The Air by AURORA.}

I feel adrenaline pump through my body as we begin to hear footsteps come up the stairs and Mr. Gregory filling them in on our breaking and entry.

Turns out the cops had already discovered my absence from home and were in town with my parents searching for me and my sister. Before Gregory placed a call to them. Informing them of my unwelcome presence in the house.

For some reason, I feel the hair on my body rise. Like someone is watching Tina and me. I gulp hard as someone begins to fight with the doorknob. Mine and Tina's husky breathing merge into one undefined pattern.

"Freeze!!" A cop shouts as he breaks down the door that refused to open. Just as he comes in, all the lights in the room come back on as a spiritual force commanded them to do so.

He freezes on looking at the bed, and all of a sudden, my hand begins to rise before me. The same hand holding the bloody knife, like I am deliberately trying to implicate myself. I battle to bring my hand down, but it doesn't work.

The cop immediately screams for backup when he sees my hand.

After that was done, my fingers let go of the knife and it falls to the ground. Like this whole thing was designed to frame Tina and me.

I began to cry. There is no way out! Poor Tina, her parents will kill her when they find out she was out of the house way past midnight.

My fingerprints are already on the knife and the cop saw me holding it. The only way out of this is a path I won't tread. Selling Laina out to the cops.

I love Tina, but my sister is my second mother. I love her more.

Mr. Gregory passes out when he comes into the room, and I can't stop the tears from escaping my eyes as the cops put cuffs on me.

Tina runs over to the window. As if trying to run from the reality of the aftermath of this situation.

"I swear he is innocent... We are innocent... We... We didn't do this... We. "She begins to cry when all of a sudden she stops.

"It was her!! " I hear Tina scream. The phrase makes my heart stop. I turn around and find her pointing out of the window and the cops following her gaze.

No! Laina should have left here a long time ago!

I run over to the window and alas! My sister is running lazily towards the woods. Running more like someone is pulling her.

"Hey! Stop!! "A cop screams

"Stop in the name of the law!!" He adds, and my heart quakes.

Oh God, no, please no! Let her get away, please. Tina didn't touch anything, she is safe. I'd take the blame. Laina has gone through enough. Please don't add imprisonment to her predicament.

About five cops run out of the room and after my poor sister. Three more guides Tina and me downstairs towards the cop car.

On getting out, we find that a huge crowd had gathered around the Mayor Mansion. A crowd that includes Tina's and my parents. Apparently, everyone wanted to know the cause of such commotion after 2:00 am.

My mother crashes into my father's arms on sighting my blood-stained hands, and I shut my eyes.
I'm sorry mom. I'm sorry we are putting you through all this. Please forgive us. Guess we bit off way more than we could chew. We tried fighting a war a family should have fought together.

Tina's mother runs up to her daughter screaming her name. She questions her daughter but Tina can't reply. Firstly, she is choking on her tears, and secondly, how do you explain something you don't understand?

My parents run up to me as I am about to get into the cop car. They throw all sorts of questions at me and all I can reply is,

"Help Laina, they are after her, in the woods. "

My parents were confused, and didn't know what to do, till that old hag Gregory came out screaming,

"The Jackson girl murdered the major's son. Don't let her get away from the cops, they are in the woods. Catch her!"

That old fagot! Why didn't whoever murdered Marcus murder him!? If only my hands weren't cuffed! I would pretty much just strangle his skinny throat. After all, I'm going to jail for a crime I didn't commit. Let me justify my imprisonment!

At the sound of Gregory's words, everyone, both male and female head into their houses and back out with lamps and touch lights. All except Tinas and my parents.

All these monsters after my sister!? Marcus even after your death you are troubling her!? Screw you!

The people begin to head into the woods and my mother keeps asking if I'm alright and what happened.

" Go help Laina! Only she can explain!" I scream at my parents. My confused mother stands still. Not knowing if to safe her youngest child from going to jail or to save her eldest from an angry mob.

"They could kill her " I scream, and my mother's eyes widen. After planting a kiss on my forehead, she and my father follow the mob into the woods in a quest to save their only girl child. A child who has been victim to a lot, for a very long time.

I watch as my parents run into the woods and as Tina gets into the other cop car. Tears escape my eyes as the possible odds of this night begin to flash before my eyes.

For the first time in my life, I close my eyes and mumble words of prayer to God. The one being my father has always tried to make us believe in but we never did.

From what I've heard about him, only he can help my family now, and I pray he does.

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