Estevans Pov

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Estevan's POV;

I got into the room to find Laina and Luca discussing. She gave him his phone and told him how Marcus used it to lure her.

What a sly bastard!

What really bothered me was how she was laughing as she narrated it to him like she was explaining a movie. Luca on the other hand looked extremely sad. He knows full well that his sister is at the brink of insanity.

I look around the room and the pictures I see cause the depth of my soul to stir.
I watch them talk about important and unimportant things and all this while Laina gives what seems to be hearty laughters.

She kept repeating a sentence that threatened my peace;

"Just don't miss me too much"
She said it over six times and as a ghost. Although weak, I know she has something big cooking at the back of her mind.

I watch him return her locket to her. He wears it on her neck and she smiles. Then she starts talking about his girlfriend. He tells her how bad their last conversation was and for someone who has never had a boyfriend, and is at the brink of insanity.

Laina gave a pretty solid advise;

"Look Luca, when two people are really in love, they tend to fight a lot. An aweful lot. But sometimes, those who are completely opposite make the best pair.

Take for instance, "She begins, but stops to pick up a brush and paper.

"A black paint on white canvas. They both look so good together because of their strong and different personalities. "She says as she keeps running the paint brush over the paper.

"But it totally depends on you, how you want the picture or mixture of both colors to turn out.

Tell you something? Artist to amateur, think of your relationship as art. You and Tina are both artists working on one canvas. You can use as many colors as you chose.

But note, any mistake that's too costly would mean you starting all-over or you trashing the whole thing. "She concludes.

With that, she stands up and throws the paper on the floor. And on it rests another horrifying painting.
A painting of a skull with the letter 'M' on it head.

Luca looks like he is about to pass out on seeing the detailed painting.

"Would you look at that? We spoke for about 5 hours! " she exclaims laughing as she looks at the wrist watch on her wrist.

She gives Luca a kiss on his forehead and skips her way out of the room.

I watch Luca as tears escape his eyes and falls to the ground, and my heart aches for this 15 year old boy who is living in pain due to his sisters sorrows.

He reminds me of myself 20 years ago. The same pain, hate, weakness and helplessness.

I remember watching my Sonia ruin her life. And I had a hand in that as I helped her keep a secret from my parents. A secret that cost us our entire family.

If only, if only I stopped her, said the truth. Stood my ground as her protector and not let my love for her blind and mislead my judgment. But I failed to fulfill my duty, and although I have been granted a second chance to fix this and correct my mistakes... It doesn't change the fact that I failed!

Today is my last day... I feel it. I'm sorry for failing you Sonia. For a good fifteen years, I failed you! But I would use my last moments in the land of the mortals to help this brother. He must no go through what I went through. He mustn't end like me.

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