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Lucas POV;

I wake up in my room, and I'm forced to wonder when I got back home. There is a drip beside my bed and my mother is fast asleep on the other side of me, with her head on my legs. I shake gently to wake her.

"Honey, you're awake. "She says with a big smile, her voice is still raspy from sleep.

"Yes mom, how did I get home?" I question, cause I last remember running out to find my father.

"You passed out honey, "She says, and suddenly starts crying.

"I'm so sorry honey... I was being a bad mother... I... I shouldn't have sent you... I.. I... "She begins.

"Mom, it's okay... What did the doctor say? " I stop her.

"He said you were just dehydrated and stressed. He said too much stress is enough to temporarily freeze one's brain and shut it down.

That's what happened to you. "She explains, still sobbing.

"Okay, M fine now, Where is dad? " I question again.

"He is with the cat" she replies.

"Cat? " I question with a raised brow.

"The cat that saved your life. "She replies with a little smile on her face, and my mouth opens in awe.

"You know about it? " I question I'm disbelief. Was she spying on me?

"How won't I know? The cat led me to you when you passed out, " she says with a tune of gratitude, and I blink in relief. The cat saved me a second time!

"Wow... Again. " I mutter to myself, not knowing she heard me.

"You know the cat? "She questions, and I nod.

"Yes, but it's a long story. Maybe for another day. Where is Laina? " I question to change the subject, and I see her face fall into a saddened expression.

"She was here. She left not too long ago. She has been more distant since we returned from the hospital. She didn't utter a single word to your father nor me.

Marcus even tried talking to her, I don't think that made it any better. "She replies holding back tears.

"I want to see her. " I inform before attempting to get up.

"Dear, you need your rest. It's 11:30 pm. Why not see her tomorrow? " She tries to persuade, but I know what I want.

I ignore her and climb off the bed. I take out the needle in my hand, and head for Laina's room. When I open the door, I am welcomed by wailing music. It has no wordings, just wailing instruments...

Laina is on the other side of her bed sitting on the floor. She is starring at the moon as usual. She so much enjoys moon bathing. I don't know why...
She's loved doing so since we were little kids. If I didn't know better, I'd say she's a werewolf.

I call out to her, but she doesn't reply. I walk to her side and see that she is lost in thought. I lean down and touch her shoulders, and she lets out a small scream and quickly pulls away with such fast reflexes I never knew she had. That's the first of such from her.

" What's up, sis? You've changed a lot"I say as I sit beside her

" Shit happens. "She replies coldly with no emotions In her voice. The coldest she has ever been. I don't like who this experience is turning my sister to.

"What happened to you?" I venture to ask...

" You can't do anything about it so stop asking. "She answers again. As cold as before. I want to sense emotion!

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