💭 POV' S💭

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Estevan's Pov.

Where do I start to look?

Luca came to the library hours ago. That means he was searching for his sister. Has he found her?

How do I begin my search? I feel for her. The poor girl looked so devastated, helpless, and weak. I arrived too late. What would have happened if didn't arrive when I did? I won't be able to forgive myself.

The sweet little girl...


It was another boring Saturday. My day was going normally. Just as boring as the others. I was just moving about the house looking for something to keep me distracted from the well-highlighted boredom when suddenly, I heard the sound of a car.

It was strange. As no one ever came here for anything. And that too, with a car.

My curiosity was at its peak. So I ran to the window to see who it was.

A beautiful family. A father, mother, handsome, young lad, and... The prettiest girl I have seen in years...

Her eyes were crystal blue. Which I liked and caught my interest. Her skin, as smooth and fresh as that of an infant. Lips, pink and perfect, hair, brown, and at shoulder length. Her height was just perfect and every movement so graceful.

She looked up at the window from which I was watching, and I quickly his myself. But then remembered the obvious.

Her name is Laina. And that's how we meet... Or rather, how I met her.


I have come home but there is no one here. Where could they be?

Crap! I can't believe this! I just spent the last one and a half hours searching for a wounded person, and I didn't check the hospital!

I get to the town's hospital as fast as I can and find her there. I beat go say hello.


Luca was upset when he left. He wants me to tell him what happened so he can bring me justice. I do want him to know. and I want justice.

But how... How do I tell him that his best friend for years tried to violate me?

How do I tell him that his friendship with Marcus for all these years had one end goal and that was his 'best friend' raping his sister?

I can't do this. I can't tell him. He will be broken. But he needs to know...

I won't tell.. I'd keep it to myself... I will just be silent because if I start talking, they will ask questions I won't be able to answer.

My silence is for the best. I'm going to bunk school for the next few weeks to avoid seeing Marcus.

Marcus. The questions I had in mind earlier begin to flood my mind again.

Where did that cat come from? Who spoke? How did Marcus get into the library? How did I get down the stairs? And how did I get home?

My thought is interrupted by the meow of a cat. It's the cat... The same one from the library.

How did it get in here and that too without anyone seeing it? And for how long has been sitting there?

The cat is on the floor,  beside my bed and its head is tilted aside. Just staring at me.

For a moment I am scared. But when I look into its eyes and see the glow in them, I gain a little confidence.

"Come here dear, " I say to the cat and stretch out my left arm as my right wrist is still in pain. 

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