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Laina's POV;

I have been running for the past one hour if not two. I honestly don't know.

I am sure I look like a lunatic running in the streets at this late hour but I honestly don't care. I am just out to save my brother.

I am out of breath, my heels and calves hurt, but there's nothing I can do. I don't have a bicycle. 

I finally get to the Mayor's house. A huge mansion. Who doesn't know the Mayor's house? Its luxury is enough to pull one to it. However, the reason I am here is not to admire its luxury but rather to save my brother.

I don't even know if he is in there or if Marcus is holding him somewhere else. I just have to try.

I walk up the porch slowly and towards the door. My anger and courage suddenly begin to fade as reality hits me. I am about to go and confront the man that has made my life a living hell for the past few days.

The man whose gaze alone sends shivers down my spine. The man whose image alone scares sanity out of me. In such a way I feel I could die of a heart attack. The man whose name alone forcefully draws tears out of my eyes. The man whose voice turns me back into that nine-year-old girl who feared monsters in the dark. The one whose death sadly would satisfy me.

I make to ring the doorbell and a voice in my head begins to scream against it. The voice is warning against going into the house.

I feel dark and gloomy inside again. That feeling from this morning.  For some reason, I feel my brother is not here, but no! I won't let fear get the better of me! Luca needs me! I need to help my brother.

Although my entire body is trembling and I can feel fear build in me, with shaky fingers, I ring the doorbell, not more than thrice, and an old man wearing a suit and bow tie opens the door. He looks very elderly. Around Mrs. Wilson's age, I guess.

He gestures me to come in and I obey. Once in;

"Where... Where is Luca?? " I question.

 "With Marcus ma'am," Mr. Gregory the butler replies looking at the ground. He looks uneasy. Why won't he? His Master's son is hurting another human up there!

"Well, where is Marcus?!! ". I question impatiently.

"He said I should not let you see him just yet. " He responds.

"What!? He knew I was coming!? " I question in alarm and this suddenly feels like a trap. Am I wrong or is my brother truly in danger?

"Please follow me, ma'am, "He says as he walks ahead, further deep into the huge passage with rooms on both sides. Ignoring my question.

Although the house is well lit and I can see him and it's not as if he is leading me to darkness, that voice in me is screaming rebellion. It's begging me to turn around and flee the house. That it isn't too late...

I push the voice to the back of my head as all I need right now is to save my brother so fear will not get the best of me.

I follow him and he leads me to a room. The room is painted white. It's clean, cold, and organized. A place that looks so sacred.

"I want my brother! "I state, but he walks out and leaves me here. I make to run after him but stop myself. I won't do anything to further annoy Marcus. My brother needs me.

I see pictures of Luca and Marcus all over the room and anger begins to boil in me afresh. Luca looks so happy in these photographs little did he know that this best friend of his was a demon.

I remember when they first met. Luca was being insulted as always in the school canteen... Because of me...

And then the tall kid my age intervened and all those kids insulting Luca scrambled away in fear. That was when they met each other. Marcus was 17 and my dear Luca was just 12...

I tried talking him out of the odd relationship, but he ignored me. Something about him always felt off. Little did I know that I was Marcus's main target the whole time.

Their relationship for the past three years has been so deep and genuine, but that only came from my brother's side. Marcus just used those three years to get closer and to scheme my downfall.

It's been an hour now and still no sign of anyone. It's then my system chose to remind me that I hadn't eaten anything nor drank water by sending a high pitch siren sound to my ears and I can feel it in the middle of my skull.

It's 6:15 pm already. My mind is pushing me to sneak out of the room and begin to look for Luca but the voice inside is screaming that I am heading for danger.

I don't mind the danger if it assures me of my brother's safety. I'd go out to look for Luca.

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