Lucas POV

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Luca's POV;

Mrs. Wilson has already gone home. She was very sad and quiet after we visited the Mayor's mansion.

She kept offering to come home with me and tell my parents everything, but I turned her down. I'd do it myself. Tell then what Marcus is planning to do to Laina, and make sure he has for having such disgusting thoughts towards my sister.

I could not find the cat, so I left without it.

The rain has been pouring furiously. It has drenched me skin to bones, and I am shaking uncontrollably and gnashing my teeth.

I increase my pace as my house is in sight. I am in desperate need of the warmth my house will provide.

I've been out the whole day, and that too without my phone. God how worried my family is about me, and his mad they are.

I get to the porch and wipe my feet on the foot mat. The inside lights are out, but the lights upstairs are on. That's strange.

I wonder if I should knock or just walk in. Initially, I would have walked in. I mean, it's s my house, and I even have a spare key. But the circumstances are different.

I have broken the rules. My mom said I should not leave the house, and yet I snuck out, and did not give her a clue of where I was with her till Mrs. Wilson called her. 

I swallow and decide to walk in, in hopes that my mother does not unleash her ultimate wrath on me.

I reach into my pocket with shaky fingers and draw out my spare key. I almost thought I lost it, but I am glad I didn't.

I insert the key into the keyhole and after a single twist, I twist the doorknob, giving me easy access into the house.

I am about to take the first step into the house when I see a huge figure standing in the dark, with its side turned to me. I let out a high-pitched scream in fear, and the figure jumps in fright.

He turns to face me and reaches the dining table. It turns on the lantern, and its orange light illuminates through the room.

I sigh relief on seeing It's my father. However, what or who I am looking at is not a picture of my father I would have ever imagined in a thousand years. Even if I was bored, I still would not be able to picture him like this.

His white hair is messy and sticking out in all angels, his full mustache, rough and equally sticking out, but what almost sends me stumbling back down the stairs on the porch. Is the fact that he is crying. 

My father is crying!! Zack Jefferson Jackson is crying!?

What could have happened to him!?
He was on the phone when I came in, but on seeing me, he dropped the phone. I am expecting him to wipe his tears and act like he isn't crying and is okay, but he does the total opposite.

He calls out my name before drawing me into a tight hug and he begins to cry on my shoulder. His voice hoarse and his breathing equally labored.

Seeing him in such a state and feeling his tears on my neck and shoulder is an unexplainable feeling. A feeling I never wanted or want to feel ever again.

My knees turn to jelly, and I can no longer hold myself up straight. I collapse into him and he uses his hands to hold me up.

I didn't realize I was crying till he uses the hem of his shirt to wipe my face and he runs his fingers across his face, staining it with something.

I look at his fingers, and only then do I see it is stained with blood!

I look at him with questioning eyes and he sniffles and nods. He explains how Laina came home broken and scattered, how she cried, how she tried to commit suicide, the possibility of her being raped, and how the doctor can't make it cause of the time and heavy rain.

At the mention of Laina trying to take her life, I run up the stairs to Lainas room. I find my mother sitting beside her bed and crying uncontrollably. Laina's shirt has been rolled up to reveal a deep, long cut.

The study lamp on the table beside her bed is on and its orange lights give the room fair brightness. Dried bloodlines are around the cut and a bottle of alcohol beside is her.  On seeing it, I know the painful method my father used to stop her bleeding.

I walk further into the room and stand beside her bed. I scan her body with my eyes. Her disfigured face, her none blinking eyes staring into space, and my eyes linger on the wound before looking down to her trouser.

I know for a fact that she has been molested.

Her words replay in my head,

"Of all people in Brooke Hills why did you pick Marcus to be your best friend?! "

Marcus's words also begin to dance in my head.

"Yes, I was, and still am after your sister! "

And just then, a piece of faint but very valuable information my brain has been omitting suddenly pops back into my mind. I remember Marcus asking me about my sister's whereabouts on Brooke Hills day and not long after, they both went missing.

How did I not see it!?

"How dare he!? " I think out loud in anger. Startling my mom who had her head on her hands on the bed.  She fixes her gaze on me,  and I battle to blink back my tears.

"Luca!? "She questions as if trying to confirm my presence.

My outburst and her reaction are all so sudden, but none of them startles Laina. She is just laying still. Not blinking, not crying, and not moving. The only thing that confirms her not being absolutely dead, is the continuous rise and fall of her chest.  Indicating the inhale and exhale of air.

My mind begins to connect the dots it simply refused to in these past few days and years even. How didn't I see this coming?

"That bastard! "I scream again, and I realize that I had not been paying attention to my mother who had been in front of me talking, and crying all this while.

"What bastard?! "My mom screams at me. She looks like she is going to lose it very soon. Her current look is not something I can explain because that would enquirer me going into the details that I know I do not want to see.

I don't reply to her. My subconscious has taken over. Everything around me is dead and the only thing I can feel is the deadly anger that has fully blossomed in my system.

All I want is to do, is return to Marcus's house, and murder him! I don't mind the rain. Even if there was a storm, I will still go!

I turn around to head out of the room when I feel my mother's hands on my wrist. I totally forgot that she was there and was talking to me.

I turn to her sharply, and she looks at me.

" Where are you going!? "She questions.

" To kill the bastard who did this to my sister! "I scream, and her jaw drops.

" What? "She questions and I nod as tears begin to escape me.

" I know the demon who did this! And he will pay! I'm going to kill him! "I scream as I begin to battle my mother's grip.

Tonight is going to be that bastard's last night on earth.

"Luca, you can't kill anyone! "She screams and I ignore her.

" Luca, this is not the way to approach this. We can't act in anger! You will go to jail if you do anything stupid! "She screams and I roll my eyes.

" I don't care! "I scream, and I instantly feel her palm connect with my cheek.

" Well, I do! I care! I can't lose both of you! I don't even know what's going on anymore!

I care! "She screams, and my anger subsides.

She is broken... Completely broken, and needs my support. I pull her into a hug and we both break into tears.

" I'm sorry mom... "I apologize in sorrow. For not considering her feelings, and not being able to protect my sister.

I look over to my sister who is not moving but rather laying motionless and dead to all around her.

Please forgive me, Laina... Please.

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