Meet ur characters💁

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If there is one thing I know I enjoy doing while reading,  it is picturing the characters of the novel in my head. And that is why I decided to bring what I think the characters look like to you.

Now I'm not trying to stop anyone's creativity.  You can still think of the characters to look like however you want them to but I just want to bring to you what I feel they look like. But m only presenting a few and not all.

They may look hotter, younger, and older in your imagination but to me, this is the best I could present to you guys.

Okay, just so you know for all the pictures I use,  Google is to be given the most credit.

so here goes nothing,  hope you guys like it.

The first person I'll be presenting to you guys today is our darling Luca.

The first person I'll be presenting to you guys today is our darling Luca

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Yep!  so that is an overprotective 15-year-old brother, Luca👆👆.

I'm pretty sure you guys are waiting to see that devil Marcus,  right?....  lol....  well,  here's Marcus.👇👇

Yep! well I don't know why,  I just saw this picture and I liked it because to me,  I can see the character Marcus in this picture

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Yep! well I don't know why,  I just saw this picture and I liked it because to me,  I can see the character Marcus in this picture.

although I don't know who is in the picture 😅I feel sorry for the person though,  his face makes a perfect Marcus for me but I don't know about you guys.

Next is our  mysterious Estevan

I'm not going to be saying much about Estevan for specific reasons,  but just so you know,  that is our Estavan👆👆

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I'm not going to be saying much about Estevan for specific reasons,  but just so you know,  that is our Estavan👆👆.

That will be all for now as our Laina would be presented to you later in the story for specific reasons which I am still contemplating but I'm sure... kind of, to make up my mind before that time.

bye, that's all for this chapter. 👍

Also, let me know the other characters you wanna see💁.. I'd be happy to bring dem to ya. 💖🙌

And don't forget... Aider cares💖🙌.

Hey... Don't scroll to the next chapter without a vote. 🙏😭

Pls.. 😽😘😘.

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