Lost 2

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I dreaded writing this chapter😪.

But we need this deed to be done to move on🙇. { Aider}.

Laina's Pov;

I turn in horror to see Marcus in his full,  dangerous glory, laughing to his heart's content. He is laughing so hard, he is wiping tears.

"Where is Luca?! " I scream at him in fear and disdain.

"How would I know?" He replies. Raising his hands in the air with a shrug. He looks at me again and starts another round of laughter causing my heart to vanish.

Although Marcus is a lunatic, I sense a bit of honesty in the statement he just made. The round of confusion that hits me next, is inexplicable.

"What do you mean you don't know?! You called me and told me you had my brother.

If you didn't kidnap him, how did you know he was missing?? And how did you get my number!?" I scream at him. Causing him to jump. But it is all fake as he starts laughing again. 

"What's so funny!?" I scream at him but he keeps laughing.

I dash towards him and grab his collar "Where is my brother?! " I scream.

He suddenly stops laughing and looks me in the eye, and then I feel his arms on my waist.

"Wow... It looks like I got a wild cat today. "He says with a smirk and a lump forms in my throat.

I let go of his collar and try to move away from him, but he pulls me back against him by my waist.

"I like it. "He coos into my ear, and instantly, my courage and anger disappeared and are now replaced by paralyzing fear that grips me all over. 

"Don't you see it yet?  Come on now. You're a nerd it shouldn't be really hard for you to piece together. "He says looking in my eyes, and I stare back in fear and confusion.

I try to pull away again as I avoid eye contact, but I fail again as he's holding me tightly against him.

"Okay... Let me help you.

It seems you're in such a state of shock, you can't think straight. "He says, and I gulp.

I was beginning to sweat as I feel one of his fingers begin to draw circles on my back.

"Okay dear, this is what happened. You see here? "He pulls a cellphone out of his pocket, and I stare at the phone in confusion for a few seconds before realizing that it's Luca's phone.

"Yeah... Well, this bad baby was the solution to all my problems. It worked magic and even got you my Cinderella running into the ball. "He says smiling broadly at me.

A smile I so much want to wipe off with the back of my hand but know better than to do so.

Tears begin to form in my eyes. I'm confused beyond words can tell. Where is my brother?

I try again to free myself from his grip, but it does nothing.

"You still don't understand? "He questions with his lips inches away from mine, and I jerk my head away in fear.

"Okay honey. I'd explain better. You see, I've had Lucas's phone since yesterday.

Your mom has called over 60 times, and she is still calling. You called him over 20 times, and your father. He has been calling forever. "He begins, but looks at me suddenly, causing me to shiver in his arms and he smirks.

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