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I had been running for so long. Only stopping few times to catch my breath. I ran for about an hour, thirty minutes. If not more. I guess being in the school's swimming and basketball team isn't just for show.

Once in front of the Mayor's Mansion, I put a call through to Tina and she assures me that she would be here within a matter of minutes.

Tina's house is a stone's throw from Marcus's house. It's the third house to the left after the Mayor's mansion, but on the opposite lane. This setting makes it easy for Tina to view the front of Marcus's house from her bedroom window.

She keeps to her words and within seconds she is with me before the Mayor's Mansion and we proceed up the porch.

Estevan's POV;

I had been pacing about the attic waiting for my stone to charge fully. I can't set out into the moonlight on a blue moon without a fully charged stone.

If I do, it won't be able to charge anymore and it may not last me another three to fours years when the next blue moon will arise.

Not too long ago, I helped Luca escape the house and I only hope my Laina is safe. Finally, my stone is fully charged and I feel revitalized but something seems foreign.

I grab my stone and keep it where I always do. In the inner pocket of my jacket. I have no time to float all the way there, so I close my eyes and in a matter of seconds, I am standing before the Mayor Mansion.

Tina and Luca are still at the entrance arguing with Mr. Gregory as he is not letting them in.

I don't have time to help this situation so I just walk through them and the door. But on getting in, a violent vibration appears and disappears in my system. THERE IS ANOTHER GHOST IN THIS HOUSE!

My instincts take over and without delay, I begin to dash up the stairs. The house is just as I remember.

I keep moving as something strong keeps pulling me. I finally stop in front of the sixth room to my right. The energy is so strong it feels we are just steps apart.

I float in through the door and who I see nearly shocks light out of me. GINA!? What in hell's name is she doing here!?

I move towards her in shock and ask the first question that comes to my mind.

"What are you doing here? "

She doesn't look up at me, nor answer and my eyes catch something at my side. I look to my side and only then do I see the horrifying scene on the bed.

I am a man, but looking at this makes me want to pass out. How? When? Who? Who?

"I'm sorry, I just had to do it. "Gina speaks, and I glare at her in horror.

"How could you do something like this!?  Do you know the consequences of your actions!? How did you pull this off? How did you cross the border?... What have you done?! "I scream all in one breath. Wondering how she was able to make physical contact with a human, without a stone.

"Stop It, Estevan!! And listen to what I have to say! "She screams, and I  fall silent.

My ears pick up the sound of someone breathing, and I freeze. Ghosts don't breathe, and Marcus is clearly dead.

"I'm sorry. I had to use her. "Gina speaks again as she drops her guilty gaze from me to the floor, and my heart skips over a thousand beats.

No way. She can't mean what I am thinking. She wouldn't dare! I turn around to look upon the eyesore one more time, and on looking closer, what I see suddenly drags the will to kill out of me.

My jaw drops in awe!

"No... "

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