POVs 3

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The girl in that pic👆👆. Is the 14-year-old Laina Estevan explained seeing earlier on... Yup a sneak peek of Laina😜... When she was 14.

Her current pic would be up soon 🙌💖.

I kept my promise😜😹.

Lucas POV;

I walk home and the happenings from yesterday and early this morning, crawl back into my memory.

Something about what Marcus told me, just doesn't sit right. I feel like he's hiding a lot from me.
I stumble over a rock and nearly fall, but I quickly gain my balance with the aid of the wall beside me.

The sun burns my skin, and I lean against the wall beside me. All form of sounds around me slowly vanishes, and I begin to see two of everything. My heartbeat begins to drop,  and it suddenly becomes all I hear.

I begin to feel this stinging sensation in my stomach. My system is stressed out. I haven't eaten any proper meal since yesterday morning, and now that I think of it... I haven't had water either.

I'm I desperate need of water, food, and rest. Mybukcer is kicking in.
My head feels heavy. I run my fingers through my hair, as the thought of death takes over me, and tears slid down my face. I feel the salty liquid in my mouth.

Death seems so close. If I die today, I pray my sister gets justice. It sounds funny, but it doesn't feel so. This is painful beyond words. My entire body is shaking.

I slowly slide down on the wall as I patiently wait for death to come and deliver me from this excruciating pain when I feel something rub against my side. However, I pay no attention to it as pain is taking over my senses.

It rubs again and this time more persistent. I push it away and I feel something soft. I look down at my right where the pushes are coming from, and find a beautiful white cat, with blue eyes. They remind me of Laina's. At the cat's feet is a bottle of clean water.

I don't know where it got it from, but I need the water. The cat pushes the bottle towards me.

I look at it and it just sits there. Glaring at me. I grab the bottle and gulp down the water, and it revives me.

I watch the cat sit majestically, and I pat it on the head. It is not as scared as a normal cat should be. This one is different.

I take off my hood due to the blazing sun and shut my eyes. I take deep breaths, as I gathered my strength, a just when I make to stand, the cat takes hold of my hood with its mouth and begins to run away.

What the!? That hood was gifted to me by Laina on my last birthday.

I wore it yesterday to try to cheer Laina up, but she was too shaken to even notice.

It's a nice hood. Laina has an amazing taste for those. But the major reason I am after it is because of the amount of love she attached to it when giving me.

I chase after the cat with all my strength, and after about five minutes of vigorously running after this cat, it stops in front of the town's library and just sits there.

Like it intentionally led me here. "Why did you do that? You want to kill me? "I scream at the cat angrily as I battle to catch my breath.

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