Meet Laina💖

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Okay people, so the moment we have all been waiting for is finally here💃.

Time for the unveiling of our darling Laina💖.

That's right, so this is the chapter we finally get to see our damsel💃💃.

Hope it was worth the wait for you guys👀.


So this hottie is our dear Laina💓

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So this hottie is our dear Laina💓... The current 19 or almost 20 years old version.

What do you think? 💁....

I know I am a horrible cast picker 🙈 Buh damn 😮!!!... Look at those eyes💓... The perfect definition of what I explained earlier🙌.

Now I know they don't look alike👀 and imagining all four of them, Laina, Luca, Zack, and Rose; staying together in one house and being tagged as a family is kind of weird😂.

But I just selected people that I thought their looks depict the characters💁.

like I said earlier I'm not stopping anyone's creativity😋.

You can still go ahead to make them look like what you want them to look like in your imagination😜.

It's a free ticket but this is what I picture them to look like 💗 .

Next is;

This cutie is a character I just decided to add

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This cutie is a character I just decided to add... BTW yesterday and today😂😜...
Her name is Tina💓...

Lucas gf.


Lucas POV;

I get to my house panting, and I see the same cat from the library, sitting on our porch. There is something about this cat... But that is for later. I am majorly concerned about Laina.

Before I walk further towards my house, my phone begins to ring. When I look at the screen, the name 'Tina ' with a heart emoji,  comes up.

My girlfriend... I haven't spoken to her since the day before yesterday. I had planned to meet with her towards the end of yesterday's parade, but after everything yesterday, I forgot.

Tina is one to get feisty once angered, so I take a deep breath and receive the call.

"Heh,  babe, " I begin, but am cut off by her beautiful but angered voice.

"Babe? I'm still your babe? You completely forgot about me yesterday, and then I tried snubbing you to get ur attention,  but no. You didn't care either!

You're simply telling me. I'm not important to you. Right? "

"No Tina, it's nothing like that I...." I try to speak but She cuts again.

"You what? You've found another girl right? Fine then.  I get your point. I'm not too bad myself, I'd find another guy.

That best friend of yours is Marcus. Isn't he single?  He'd do just fine! "She replies and my eyes widen.

How dare she?! She is trying to use my best friend against me! Does she even know what I have been through in the past few hours? She didn't even bother to ask me!

"Fine! Go get him... I don't care! You're always screaming your emotions In my face.

Did you for once stop to think about the reasons for my actions or what I am going through? No!
You can't fucking go around bossing me like my you're mom okay?

I want a girlfriend, not a second mother. If you are calling quits between us, let me know so I can get this over and done with! "I reply in bubbling anger.

I end the call and frustration consumes me. I am already so stressed and I don't need any emotional drama to add to this.

Girls aren't the only ones allowed to vent their anger! I walk into my house and find my worried mother pacing the living room.

I ask why she is worried, and she informs me that my father has been out since morning and hasn't come back. We all know he never cries in front of us and went to be alone.  But this is the longest he has stayed out.

She informs me that Marcus came to visit but immediately adds that I can only see him after I help her find my father.

I want so badly to check on my sister, but my mother on the other hand is so very worried. I know I have to satisfy her request, so I dash out.

Running to nowhere exactly but just running to find my father. Not too far from the house, My headache comes back, and my vision begins to blur.

I lose balance, and the next thing I see is all black.

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