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Estevan's POV;

I had crashed my stone on the ground and I had already become faded. I am now a wondering ghost. To be left this way till the end of the earth. No power could ever summon me or bring me back. And worse, I can't ever return to the other side as I do not have my stone. But the best part and main point of this all is that I got to make one wish and that is for my darling Laina's life to be restored. I know she can't see nor feel me anymore. But at least I had fulfilled my mission and saved my love.
I guess I am not a complete failure.

I walk over to the unconscious beauty on the bed and kiss her on her head and then I exit the ambulance in which she has been placed.

I move over to my sister who is in another ambulance. I smile at her and watch her. I feel proud to have finally been able to save her and get her out of that hell.

I guess I have to get used to being a wandering ghost with very little power.
As for the mayor, I got him to confess to most of his crimes to the people while they recorded it and after he had seen what he had done, he shot himself in the head with his gun and I didn't bother to stop him. I guess that's the end of the Fransiscos lineage in Brooke Hills.

Although it's a pity I never got to find out who Marcus's real mother is. I mean she could be any female in Brooke Hills. And if that's accurate, I feel Laina is in danger as she killed a mystery woman's child.

The more reason I need to always be around her.

I watch the ambulances carrying my sister and the one carrying the woman I love, move away.

I watch Lainas parents approach the ambulances in tears and they are finally permitted to ride to the hospital with their daughter.

I sit on a tree stump as I need some alone time to reminisce over my life. I've won, but I feel down.

Lucas POV;

It's a new day and Tina and I have been brought into an investigation room. Pictures from the scene are being shown to me and they are persuading me to confess to ' my crimes '. I have told them all that happened but they still do not believe me.

Tina had thrown up seven good times due to the pictures shown to her. I had made mention of what the sight of Marcus's body looked like. But the back view was worst. The names Laina, Gina, and Flora were boldly carved into his flesh. There was no space left.

Whoever murdered Marcus turned his back to a full canvas and used the knife as his/her brush. I honestly don't believe my sister would ever be capable of such a monstrous act.

I kept my ears open for news on my sister. All I found was she had been found with another girl and I couldn't figure out anything else.

Dear God, this story needs your intervention.

Lainas POV;

I wake up in an ICU with my parents beside me. I look around for Luca but for some reason he is absent. My father sees I'm awake and informs my mother. They both wear looks of relief and begin to inform me of what the doctors said about me.

My mom told me that tests had been carried out on me and they discovered I had been violated. And with my parent's permission, further tests were carried and they found I had been sexually active the night before.

And based on Lucas's and my mom's statements, other tests were carried out in which they found traces of Marcus's DNA in me and discovered or came to the conclusion that I was raped.

Although they need my statement to clear things up and release my brother.

My parents and I speak for a while before a nurse comes in, and tells them to take their leave as I need rest.

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