POV 11

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Roses POV;

I am sitting in my living room, worried wick about my children. I had talked my husband into getting some sleep because honestly, he is the one bearing of the mental stress.

He hardly cries or shows his pain, and I know it can take a negative toll on his mental health. As for me, I have been crying my eyes out.

If money was being withdrawn from a bank each time I cried, the owner of that account would move from riches to rags.

Both my children are missing, none pocking their calls, and I can't place a missing person complaint, as it's not up to twenty-four hours.

I have been waiting for both of them for so long, I have cried myself to sleep on the dining table with my phone beside me. Expecting a call from either of them.

I also have the radio on the table playing beside me. Dreadfully waiting to hear a report of kids being taken to the police station.

The cold rain breeze had wrapped my hot and uneasy body in a soothing hug, causing me to sleep deep.

My head is resting softly on my folded arms on the table, and I scream in pain when the front door of the house is forcefully swung open.

At first, I couldn't tell who the figure in the doorway was till I stood up and blinked a few times to get the sleep out of my eyes.

There stood my daughter, drenched in rain. Her hair wet and dripping water. Tangled and set in the most unruly way, her face blood-stained, bruised, cut, swollen, scratched, and red. Her lips, swollen, red, cut, and seemingly heavy. Her blue beautiful eyes. Though present, are so distant and far away.

What knocks breath out of my lungs completely is her trouser. It is stained with blood. Most parts light pink, some, light red, and the part surrounding her privates red.

I walk into the main room from the dinning staring in horror at my daughter whom one can easily pass as a ghost at first glance. Although her whole face is covered in rainwater, I don't mistake the tears that flow down her face.

With tears welling in my eyes, I walk towards my daughter out of breath and words, with open arms. As I feel the only thing I can do to soothe the pain she is emitting is to pull her into my arms and make her feel that maternal safety in her mother's arms.

I am forced to increase my pace as I watch her drop down to her knees and break down in tears. I take her into my arms and begin to cradle her as tears force their way out of my eyes through the now-familiar path they have grown to learn this past few days.

With a heavy heart and lack of breath, I force myself to ask the question whose answer I am not sure I'm brave enough to assimilate.

"What happened my dear? Tell me..."

She suddenly hardens her grip on my shoulders. Her nails digging deep, causing me to take a sharp inhale through my teeth.

" Ma... Ma... Mother... I got... I got robbed... I got robbed, mother... He stole from me. "She replies. Shaking uncontrollably as she looks into my eyes.

"Who... Who stole from you, dear? " I question in pain as I battle to suppress my pain.

"He... He... Him... Mother, it was him... He stole from me... It was him mother... He" she replies to me, and my heart shatters. I pat her hair in sorrow and questions as tears escape my eyes.

"Who? Who did this to you!?"I scream in hurt, and she suddenly lets of my shoulders

"Mo... Mo... Mom, you're... You're mad at me? You're mad at me... You're... You're angry at me... No... No... Mother... Please don't be mad at me... "She begins to mutter, to herself before grabbing me again and resuming her digging into my shoulders with her nails.
As she looks at me in pain and a mixture of other emotions in her dead eyes.

"Mother, I swear it wasn't me... I... I.. Didn't do anything... I fought... It wasn't me... I swear... I didn't do it... Mother... It was him... Mother believe me... He robbed me... I didn't give it to him... " she replies as she takes my hands in her cold palms.

"Mother... Believe me... I didn't do anything... He robbed me... He stole from me... I didn't give it to him...

Help me, mother... He stole from me... He ruined my life... He stole my life from me... I'm trash now mother...  Please help me. "She begins to weep, and my heart wreaks.

"Dear, I am not mad at you... Just tell me who is it... You... Who.. did this!? " I scream in anger.  What bastard did this to my child!? My innocent darling child...

"You're mad at me. You're... You're screaming. You don't believe me..."Laina says in awe as she rises to her feet, and my heart clenches.

"No, no honey... It's nothing like that. I... "I begin, but she cuts me off.

"He... He was right... I... I... Would end up like Gina... I won't get justice... No... No... No one would believe me. "She begins to say, and I watch in horror. My daughter looks like someone on the brink of insanity.

I watch in horror as my daughter stands,  shaking uncontrollably. I get up so I can meet her gaze, and she continues.

"I... I... Can't fight this... No... I... Lost... He killed me... I can't live like this... No... No... I can't... He succeeded. "She begins to weep afresh, ad my heart hurts badly.

" Honey, no he... "I begin, but am cut off when she suddenly runs towards the dining table and takes hold of the knife kept in the fruit bowl.

My eyes grow wide as I watch her raise the knife high above her head.

I begin screaming out for Zack as I rush towards her to stop her from hurting herself.

In the process of struggling with her, the knife slits my wrist and as my reflexes cause me to let go in pain, I watch her deep the sharp knife into her belly.

I scream and just at that moment Zack comes running down the stairs. I watch in horror as Laina's eyes grow wide with pain. She had deeped the knife so deep into her stomach that there is no part of the metal in sight. It was all in her.

Begin to scream uncontrollably as she begins to stager. . Zack dashes towards her and catches her just before she hits the ground.

I can not bring myself to come close to her. My feet are rooted to the spot as I watch Laina close her eyes and breath what seems to be her last.

Hey... Aider again😋

Sorry for the late update💔..... Data and some stuff 😪...

Hope I'm forgiven😫😫

So what do you think? 🤔

Is Laina going to die?? 😭😭

Now Luca knows Marcus is after his sister... What will he do when he finds out that Marcus has raped her?? 💔💔

Pls vote and comment... Motivate me pls😫😫

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