Ghost In My Attic 3

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The pic above is a fan art by my amazing reader... She will be tagged in the next chapter...

This chapter is dedicated to her... Tnx sis... Ur amazing😩💖🙌💯


I had explained the story of my life to Laina. Who in return just kept glaring at me. Not even a magician would be able to decode what is going on in her mind.

I had told her everything but hadn't gotten to the part that I am a ghost, Sonia is still missing, why the stone glowed(although I don't understand that either), how she was able to see the book and so many other things. I have told her almost everything.

I almost forgot you missed out on how I died. I can fix that.

Well, after five years of searching for my sister, my father finally gave in. Making Mr. Fransico the new town's Mayor.

They promised to release our Sonia to us one cold night, and my father, although broken was so happy to finally get to see his daughter again.

We got my mother out of the hospital for that. My mom sent all the workers to our Official Home.

As the Mayor's family, the Mayor Mansion would be given to us to call home for as long as my father remained a Mayor.

And that is the biggest mansion in town. But I was a special boy. I had friends and all, but I loved art and nature. I just never seemed to get enough of it. Same with my mom.

So, my dad decided to build this huge mansion, an hour away from town. To ensure peace and quiet and to create an environment we all loved so much.

Unlike Laina's case where people call her a retard, I was called mute. Cause I only spoke when and only if needed.

Back to the story,

The workers happily accepted, and my mom, although weak still prepared all my sister's best meals and all.

The Franciscos did come and alas my Sonia was with them. The cute, tall, fleshy young lady I knew was now looking like the plastic skeleton kept in our Biology lab.

Her jaw sharp, clothes falling off her shoulders, hair so thin three fingers could comb through, nails long and dirty, eyes bigger and crimson, lips dry and chapped, nose pointer than ever, and scars on her neck, arms, and legs.

I didn't realize when tears began to slip from my eyes. My mother crashed to the ground, and my father stooped down to catch her. I was stuck to the spot, all ability to move gone. While Raymond and his father just watched like they were examining museum exhibits.

Sonia walked up to me and wrapped me in a tight hug. I could feel her heart pounding violently and her bones pressing against my skin.

I bent as I received her hug and she faintly whispered to me,

"Save us. "I pulled away from her in confusion, only to find tears in her eyes.

Suddenly, Raymond pulled her away from my grip and Mr. Fransisco pulled out something familiar and black.

It wasn't till I heard the ear-splitting boom and my father scream

"Rebecca!! "
That I realized what Mr. Fransisco had just done.

Next was my father. I looked over at Sonia who had her back against the door. Her eyes closed tightly as tears slid down her face. She kept muttering to herself.

The boom came again and I felt a sharp pain in my chest. Right in the middle. Everything was happening so fast I couldn't understand.

I fell to my knees as my vision began to blur. I watched Mr. Fransisco drag Sonia out of the house and Raymond carrying my mother's lifeless body in his hands. I shot one last look at my sister who was screaming my name and stretching out her hand towards me whilst resisting Mr. Fransisco's pull.

I watched him hit the bottom of the gun on the back of her head and instantly she passed out in his arms. And then he shoved her into his car.

I tried to call out to her but that just made the blood gushing out Of my mouth pour with more force.

I heard Raymond's loud footsteps before looking up at him. He was standing before me with a vase in his hand.

"Nighty Night Stevan. "He said in a sing-song manner before bashing the vase on my head.

And there it was, my journey to the afterlife began.

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