The Ghost In My Attic 1

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I head out of my room towards the attic. Making sure to absorb the feel of each step. They very well may be the last I take with a made-up mind.

Every other thing I have been doing feels like I'm not decided on it. My mind is torn into many pieces, and I feel it.

I'm not even sure I am ready for what I want to do but this numbness just takes over my heart and soul and keeps telling me I am fully capable of it.

I push the small door in the ceiling leading to the attic. It creaks as I open it. But I stop halfway when I hear what seems like hurried footsteps. But then it stops. Making me doubt I actually heard anything.

I take a minute of deep breaths before proceeding into the dark attic. Beautifully lit by the moon rays pouring in through the window. I gently let the door close behind me before taking a few more steps into the room.

The hair on my skin begins to rise and the depths of my soul stirs. More like my soul and spirit are dancing inside of me. It's an uneasy and strange feeling. I have felt like this before, but never this intense. It feels like someone is watching me. But this time with eyes powerful enough to see through me.

I use my eyes to scan the large space but find nothing. Fear begins to build in me, and I gulp. have never been this scared of darkness.

Something feels off.

I feel like I'm connecting to a strange and equally strong energy. But somehow, I have a feeling that I am safe. It's all so messed up and thinking about it makes the middle of my skull scream.

I keep scanning the space but stop when my eyes fall on something quite beautiful. It looks like an illusion like it's not there. But this is not the first time this is happening to me 

There are times when I think I see things or people that are not there. Maybe it's something that comes with my type of eyes?

I take slow steps towards the shiny, little, half visible, half invisible thing sitting directly under the window.

I get to it and cautiously bend towards it. My gaze is fixed on it without blinking like there is a possibility of the stone disappearing if I take my eyes off it for a second.

I gently swipe my fingers towards it expecting my hand to slice through thin air, but much to my surprise, my fingers capture this gorgeous... Thing in my hands.

Its feel is like nothing I have ever felt. I know I am holding it yet it feels like I am holding nothing. I gently squat as I admire the wonder I have just found. I settle down on a box right beside the window as I play with this new thing in my fingers.

I look at the blue moon and as I admire its beauty, words from somewhere in my head just flow;

" once in a while,
like a shooting star.
The full moon is seen.
That you may be vail.

Every day,
like the eastward hills,
the elegant sun yields,
that you may stay.

Keep thy stone safe and sound,
for on it lays thine home. "

They seem so familiar and yet still so unrecognizable. Where have I...

My thoughts are cut off by the inexplicable wonder happening in my hands. The part of the stone I am holding is changing color. It changed to a deep blue and the other side light blue. Like my eyes.

But what sends me to my feet is the additional gasp I hear after I gasped. It was deeper and louder than mine. And it came from behind the boxes in the attic.

"Who's there, I said who is there? I would scream if you do not come out now! "

"Don't do that Laina, you would only make a fool of yourself" A calm but tense voice says from behind the boxes that are further deep In the attic, and I know I am not going anywhere near there.

"How do you know my name?, and who are you?, How did you get in here?. Come out now! "

"Which of these questions should I answer first?"The same voice calls out and just when I have had enough and am about to raise an alarm, out comes the most beautiful creature I have ever seen.

He slowly steps into the light, and I freeze. I know I am meant to move away but I can't. I don't know if it's due to fear, or awe, or admiration.

A male figure well built, with hair deep black, as dark as midnight, and his eyes... His eyes...

I get lost looking into his eyes. Eyes that are just like mine. So blue and Beautiful. It's like I'm looking in a mirror. His eyes are so magical and beautiful.

Are those what my eyes look like? They are perfect.

Estevan's POV;

Just like a fool I had to make a sound!
I watch as Laina stares at me. I have grown a bit stronger as my stone was in the moonlight and a rare surge of power flowed through me when Laina changed the color of half the stone.

Laina hadn't moved a muscle. She just stood there looking into my eyes. If I was still human, I'm sure I would be sweating by now. Her is gaze so intense.

What is she thinking?

Her face is so perfect under the moonlight, and her perfect lips are given an added effect by the moon... I feel so tempted to kiss her... But damn, keep it together Estevan!!

What now??

We both remain in silence till the song 'Walking In The Air By Aurora' slowly spills into the room from the radio downstairs.

A perfect song and vibe for when a human meets a ghost for the first time.

I hear Rose scream to Luca to get her a new knife from the shelf as she can't find the old one.

Laina is still staring at me. You can almost say drooling. I honestly don't know if to feel flattered or scared. But one thing is sure. I feel uneasy.

I mean, I've always wished Laina to see me, but now that it's happening, I feel terrified.

What if she doesn't like me?

I take a step towards her and only then doe's she returns to the room.

"Who are you? "Her sweet voice lowly breaks the silence before I get the chance to speak.

"Who are you!? "She questions again. This time a bit sterner than before.

"I'm Estevan. " I reply carefully studying her.

"Okay Estevan, What are you doing in here? "She questions again.

My name sounds so perfect when she calls it.

"This is my house. "I blurt.

"Your house?! "She asks in shock, and my eyes widen.

What the fuck Stevan!? You seriously had to talk without thinking!? I was too busy admiring her, I put myself in a pickle.

"What do you mean your house?! " she questions again.

What now!? I can't lie to her. I hate lies. And I can't just leave. I can't have people finding out about me.

The question she is asking me will make me reveal the history behind me and the truth behind my family's disappearance 15 years ago.

Even if I tell her everything, will she ever believe?

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