Lucas POV

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*This chapter contains sensitive contents. *

I am sitting idly on my bed, and my thoughts are interrupted by my room's door being opened. I look up and raise a brow when I see my mom.

"Is Laina in here? "She questions and I arch a brow.

"Isn't she in her room? " I questions, and my mom steps in looking worried.

"She's not there.  "My mom says like she's about to start crying, and my eyes widen.

"What!? What do you mean she's not in her room? "I question, and my mom stares around my room like I'm hiding Laina.

"She's not in the house either. "She adds, and I freeze. I suddenly recall the pictures I saw Laina working on earlier today, and in fear, I rush off the bed and dash out of the room with my mom calling after me.

I make to run after my sister through the main door only for my father to pull me back.

"I need to go... Let me go... She is heading for danger!! " I keep screaming as I struggle to free myself from his grip.

"Stop it! You're not going anywhere... Do you know where she is!? The cops will find her but I won't allow both my kids to play chess with their lives! "My mom screams at me, and I shake in fear.

"Yes ma'am" I mutter in defeat as I walk sluggishly back up the stairs to my room.

I lay anxious on my bed as I begin to ponder on the events the night could bring to my family. I know for a fact that Laina didn't go out for a stroll... She is heading for danger!

It's been about an hour and the cops haven't found her... They just got here!! So fucking late...
I am still contemplating what to do when Tina calls.

"Hey Babe, "I greet and she ignores my greeting.

"Luca, where... Did, Is... Where is Laina right now? "She questions and I sit up instantly.

" I don't know. She snuck out of the house a while ago. We still haven't found her. "I reply.

"That's because she is in front of the mayor's mansion right now. At 11:00 pm!! "Tina replies, and everything inside me almost dies at the confirmation of my fears.

"What!? Can you please stop her from going in?  "I beg.

"I can't... I have to wait another hour for everyone to go to bed If I want to sneak out,  and she is already in the house. "Tina replies.

"Thank you so much for this information, Tina. I'm on my way. "I appreciate before hanging up and stupidly run down the stairs.

I block out all the sounds and everything as I make a wild rush towards the door. I am almost there when a strong pair of hands take hold of me... A cop's.

I try to explain myself, but my mom doesn't give me room to speak. She tells them that me going out could endanger me. So they take me back up to my room and lock me in.

I need to get out of here! My sister is in danger. I keep screaming that I know where Lian is, but they don't want to answer or believe me.

It takes me thirty minutes to bugle the lock of my room door. Hollywood movies do come in handy at the right time.

I can't go back downstairs. I don't know what I am doing but it feels right. I head in the opposite direction and I make it to the attic. On entering, every sense in my body suddenly becomes extra alert.

I move to the attic's window as I pray Laina is okay, and the cold night's breeze hugs me.

I look down. It's a nasty height but Laina is worth it. I take one sharp inhale as I know another second could make me change my mind. I let my legs over the railings and breeze fills my ears as I cut through the air but to my surprise, I land softly on the ground. I look up at the attic window from where I jumped and it looks as though someone or something is looking back.

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