Chapter 23: popping the question

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Annie pov

After finnick blindfolded me obviously I couldn't see anything, so I kept asking if we were there yet. After like five minutes he finally stops. I feel really nervous. 'Cause I don't know whats gonna happen. I feel him talking off the blindfold. I look around to see an intricut heart that he made. I felt so nervous. He faced me towards the ocean. Then he starts saying,

"Annie Elizabeth Cresta, I have loved you since we first met at the beach five years ago. You changed me for the better. I will love you for the rest of my life. You will be the only one for me. I will devote the rest of my life to you, so um.... what I'm trying to say is. Will you marry me?"

I am just standing there like an idiot. My mouth wide open.

"Y-Y-Y-Yes, I will marry you." I start crying as he slips the ring on my finger. He stands up and hugs me. I bury my head in his chest as he holds one hand to the back of my head and the other hand at my back. I wish we could stay like this forever. I could not wait for our wedding.

"We have to tell Johanna. What will she think?"

"I don't know. Do you think I did good on the ring?"

"Of course. It's beautiful. I love it."

One hour later. We call up Johanna.

"Hey Jo!" I said.

"Hey Cresta, so. Did you say yes? Finnick already told me."

"Yes! I can't believe I'm engadged. It feels wierd."

"Well you two are the perfect couple. Everyones jealous of you Annie. But he only has eyes for you. Anyone that has sees you can tell you were made for each other."

"Thanks Jo talk tomorrow."

"Ok. See ya later Cresta or Mrs.Odair."

"Not yet."

"I know. Later." Then she hung up. I walked back to Finn who was already in the water. We spent the whole day in the water. We went to bed that night both the happiest people alive.

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