Chapter 35: reuniting

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Annie pov

I hear a loud noise comming from my left. I look to see Katniss and Haymitch. No Finnick. All of a sudden I see Finnick search the room.

''Finnick! Finnick!'' I yell across the room. I throw off the IV they put in my arm. I jump off the gourney and we both run to each other. We hug and slam against the wall. We stay there. After both of us fighting for our lives we finnaly see the light at the end of the tunnel.

''I can't belive you're back. I missed you so much Annie. So damn much.''

''I missed you too Finnick atleast we're together angain.'' We stay there for a good ten minutes until we hear a loud bang. We run over to see what happened, Peeta was choking Katniss intol he was hit on the head. Gale comes over to see what happened, then I explain what they did to us in the Capitol, I've never seen Finn so furious in his life. Gale looked furious as well. Then they both hug me simultaneously. Of course I hug them back. When we pull apart I now feel the pain from all of this. I finch at this and Finnick notices this and then remembers, then he brings me back to where I am supposed to be.

''So how long am I staying here?'' I asked to Katniss' sister.

''You'll be able to leave tomorrow. You are in surprisingly great state. Well, thats what you're stats say. And Finnick don't worry, we all knew you would want to be with Annie and we are allowing it. Also becouse it seems to me the only way to calm her down from her nightmares.''

''Thank you Prim.'' Said Finnick.

''You're welcome. Oh and Annie, when Finnick is gone to talk with people, who would you like to stay with you?''

''Gale Hawthorne, he's my friend.''

''I kmow who he is. I'll let him know.''

''Thank you.'' And with that she's gone to talk to Gale. He looks back over and smiles slightly with his brows furrowed. I turm towaemrds Finnick and he looks puzzled.

''He's the one who got me out halfway, until he got shot in the shoulder.''

''Ok. Just wanted to know, wanted to know that you aren't cheating on me or anything.'' He says jokingly.

''Yeah, that'll be the day.'' I say jokingly while giggling. Soon after nightfall we fall asleep.

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