Chapter 16: their past

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Finnick pov

I wake up and when I expect to see Annie, I can't find her. I'm now terrified that something happened to her. When I look into the kitchen I see her cooking.

"At ease, Its ok Finn. I'm just cooking." Annie said with her most adorable giggle.

"Ok. I just got scared for a minute, ya know. That something happened to my Annie."

"Your Annie. Well that sounds like your selling me."

"Oh, trust me. Of all people, that does not even nearly sound like it. Hey I have an idea!"

"Shure. What's the idea?" Annie asked ever so cutely.

"Why don't we tell the story of our lives?''

"Oh, I don't think I could handle it Finn."

"Don't worry Annie I'll help you. I'll always help you, Annie. Always, no matter what."

"Ok, I guess I'll start. I grew up in district four. My whole family wich was my mother, father, two brothers, and two sisters all died because of me."

"Annie, I don't think it's youre fault."

"But it is. They were all punnished because I messed up big."

"Listen, if it was Snows doing. It's just becouse you all love each other. What is so bad that they all died?"

"I don't want to talk about it."

"Annie, it's ok you can tell me. I promise nothing bad will happen."

"But Finn, I really don't wanna talk about it. Please, I really don't wanna."

"Why, why don't you wanna tell me? We promised not to keep secrets!"

"Your to talk you have more secrets than people in the capitol!"

"Thats different! I keep those secrets to keep you safe!''

"Well maybe I don't want your protection!"

"I want you protect becouse I can't I...I can't live without you Annie. I don't know what I would do without you, I love you Annie." I grab her and hug her as tight as I can.

"I'm sorry Finn it just hurts thinking about them getting shot, all of them, right infront of me. All becouse I made a mistake. And I'm sorry about saying all that stuff about the secrets and stuff like that."

"Hey, Annie. Its ok. You don't have to tell me. I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have tried to push you." We then have a make up kiss. As she pulls away she says,

''Finn, I think I'm ready to tell you."

"Annie, you don't have to."

"But Finn, I want to." We sit down on the couch and she starts talking.

"Well it all satarted when I figured out what happened during the second quarter quell. And I was talking to my older sister and older brother, my older brother was my twin, he was born first, obviously. But a peacekeeper must have heard me and told Snow and told them to kill them all of them but me. I saw all of the light leave all of their eyes. That was the worst day of my life." As she says this I start to see her cry and I just hug her as much as I can.

"It's ok Annie. You wanna hear my story?" She nodds." Ok, so remember that fire that happened in that house here seven years ago?'' She shook her head again. Then she gasps. I grin becouse she is so adorable surprised. "Yeah that was my family. I was the only survivor."

"Awwe Finn, I'm so sorry. I didn't know."

"It's ok. Love you."

She stares tight into my eyes and says, "I love you too Finnick." Then she breaks her eye contact and looks down at her legs. "Why do you say that so much?" She asks that question and I am baffled she would even ask that. I give her the most confused face I have ever made.

"Annie Cresta, I can't believe you even asked  me that. It's becouse. If anything happens to me I want it to be the last thing you hear from me." I explain. I think she gets it now.

"Ok. I have an idea. How about we go to the beach? I really do need to get over my frear, right?"

"Ok, but are you shure Annie?"

"Yeah. I really am shure."

"Ok then. Lets get ready."

"Ok Finn, lets go get ready." We both head up the stairs and we both get ready. I then grab two beach towels and wait until she comes out. Now we head to the beach.

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