Chapter one - Long day

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Peters POV:
I walked out of school, ready to run back to the orphanage when I spotted Flash walking towards me. I silently panicked, knowing what was going to happen. " Well if it isn't pe____ Parker? " (I'm not allowed to curse, so plz don't get mad.)

I flinched at the hate dripping in his voice. " Give me your money. " I clenched my fists. " N-no." I quietly stutter. I see anger rise in Flash's eyes. He punches me in the cheek, and I stumble backwards. He punches me in the other cheek, blood dripping down from my mouth.

He tries to hit again, but I dodge. I spin around and dash to the orphanage. When I get there I slam the doors behind me. Something tingles in my mind, and a book comes flying at me. I fail to dodge, and the pages cut my cheek. I wince, and walk to my "bed" which is a dirty blanket on the ground.

I open my bag, and pull out a hoodie. I may be young, but when I can I like to test out my weird powers. I swing around the city, and I wish I could stop crime but I'm too scared. I open my window, and crawl out. I make sure no one can see my face, and I swing around the city. I spot a house on fire, and something in my mind urges me to help. I've never even stopped a pick pocketer before. I inhale and exhale.

" HELP! MY BABY IS IN THERE!" I hear a frantic woman scream. I jump in through a window, and look around. I hear a kid crying and walk towards it, trying not to get close to the fire. I see a cloth that isn't burning, and slip it over my face. It was red, and luckily it was thin enough to see through, and breathe. I see the little boy hunched in a corner of a room. I grab him and lower him down to his parents with my webbing. I'm only eight, and I'm already saving people. I cough violently from the smoke. I hear the sound of something flying towards the building. "HELLO?! IS ANYONE STILL IN HERE?!" I call out desperately.

" *Cought cough* here! " I hear a muffled call of an older man. I quickly go towards the voice. When I find him I can barely breathe. He climbs down one of my webs. I spot someone hovering around the people. Was that Ironman? He spots me right when I faint with fire spreading around me.

Tony's POV:
I spot a young kid who had just saved two people from the building. I see him looking at me, and he callapses with the fire rising around him. I fly up and grab him. I brought him to the tower and laid him down on the couch. He was so young. Ten or eleven maybe. Steve spotted him, and gave him a worried glance. " Tony, who is this kid? " " I dunno. " I shrugged.

This seemed to worry him even more. Just then the kid sat up rubbing his head. He coughed a bit and looked around. His gaze stopped on me and Steve. Steve reaches to take off the boys "mask". The kid pulls away. I notice a darker shade of red sealing through. I swiftly take his mask-thing off. His face is bruised and cut. He looks so young. The kid then hides his face in his hands. Steve and I exchange looks, and I muster up the courage to talk.

" Where do you live? " " The orphanage... " He murmurs around his small hands. Steve looks at me and I look at him. " Why did you go in the building? " I ask curious of this kids bravery. The kids uncovers his face to cough violently into his arm.

He looks up at us with tears and fear in his eyes. " They needed help. A woman said her child was in there. I didn't want the pain of losing someone to be brought upon her. So I swung in, and did what I needed to do... " When he finished tears were falling from his eyes. " You could've died, though. " Steve said trying to help. I opened my arms in permission for a hug. The child fell into my arms and murmured crying into my shoulder, " I know. But that doesn't mean they had to die from my fear. " I looked at Steve. " Which orphanage do you live at? " This made the child shake, and grip me harder.

" No! Don't send me back! She's mean! She hits, and throws things at me! " He fearfully raised his voice, looking at us. I look at the cuts across his face, and his horrible clothing. Tears fall from his eyes. I pick the kid up and walk to one of my cars. I place him in the back seat, and I slip into the front seat. I turn on the car and the dark blue sports car races down the road, and we're at the orphanage in minutes. I get out, and open the door for the kid.

I lead him inside, and tell the lady I would like to adopt him. Her eyes widen like ' you want him? ' I tell the kid to grab his things, and he walks into a room in very bad shape. The woman tells me to sign something, and I smell the smoke of cigarettes in her breath. I sign the papers, and the kids name is, Peter Parker. Turns out he was eight years old.

Peter walks out minutes later with a single backpack. I glare at the lady. I give her the signed papers, and I walk out holding Peters hand. Peter was smiling now, despite his cuts and coughing.

Peters POV:
I held my new dad's hand to the car, smiling. I was so glad to leave that place. When I got in the car and looked out the window, I couldn't help but feel like I had just been cured of a horrible disease.

When we got home, Tony showed me my room. I placed my bag down, and looked at Tony smiling. " Thanks Dad! " Tony seemed to melt when I said 'dad'. I heard someone call that food was ready. " Wanna go meet the Avengers? " Dad asked leading me to the kitchen. I nodded, and we stepped in.

" Who's the kid? " Someone with a black suit and red hair asked. " This is Peter, I adopted him today. He has some strange powers, he can shoot webs like a spider and climb walls. " I shyly waved at the geared adults. A man who looked like a scientist stepped in. " Hi Peter, I'm Bruce. " Bruce sounded fascinated, and he studied me. The women with red hair spoke up too. " I'm Natasha. " A man with a bow and arrows strapped on his back grunted, " Clint. "

After alot of people introduced me to them, we all sat down and ate.

After eating, Tony and the others told me good night. I climbed up to my room, and jumped into bed. I curled up and closed my eyes. I still couldn't believe this all happened in only a day. As I drifted off to sleep.


Hope you enjoyed! This is my first story I've posted. 😃

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