Chapter sixteen - rooftop

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Peter's POV:
It was Saturday, and I decided to go on patrol. I swung around the city, and perched on a building. I spotted the dark suited vigilante, fighting off a robbery. I saw they were having trouble so I dropped down.

I saw them glance at me once, then shift into a black wolf. I noticed quite a few burns on the skin under her fur, and they had a gloves around their paws and half their legs.

They pushed most robbers down, hitting their heads just hard enough to knock them out. I heard a gunshot, and a yelp, followed by a growl.

I looked back at the wolf and saw blood Leaking from a gash in their shoulder. They looked back at the group of robbers who were still up.

I saw most of the robbers start shaking. The vigilante growled, and circled them. I followed their stride, but on the other side.

" Sorry to bust the party fella's, but I think it's about time to wrap it up. " I heard the voice of the wolf, and realized two things. One, she's a girl. Two, they are most definitely trying to cover up their voice.

I webbed them to a wall, and looked back at the bleeding wolf. She shifted back to her normal form, I guess I should call it.

She gripped her shoulder, and leaped away. She ran, and jumped between building's, her red scarf trailing behind her.

I swung after her, and saw her go on top of the Avengers tower. She curled up into a ball, against the metal wall. She rested there a minute, and as if the Avengers could sense her presence, leaped out of hiding spots around the roof.

She jumped up, and winced. She gripped her shoulder again, and looked around for an escape.

" Thanks Pete for rounding her up here. " Tony said in the metallic voice behind his mask. She narrowed her eyes at me, and muttered something.

Brandy's POV:
Frick. I was cornered, and I had no where to go. All I could feel was searing hot pain from my shoulder. I looked around the faces.

I noticed they were praising Peter for, ' rounding me up '. What am I a cow?! I mean I can change into a cow, but that's not the point!

I saw an opening and dashed up it, only to be grabbed by a metal arm. I grunted as he removed my hand from my shoulder.

I heard a gasp, and I wriggled free. I leaped to the edge of the roof top. I stood there, and jumped.

I knew they tried to grab me, again. I knew I couldn't shift because of how weak I was. I knew it would hurt. So why did I do it?

So they wouldn't find out. I heard Tony blasting after me. I was just out of reach. I ducked into a roll, and leapt up. Once again surrounded with Avengers. I felt the pain in my shoulder increase.

Shoot. When I rolled, rocks got into the wound. I stared at them, waiting to get grabbed, or captured.

" We just wanna talk. We need to know your identity, so we can trust you. " I heard Steve's voice, as he walked towards me.

I realized how hard I was breathing, and the panic rising in my chest.

I looked around the people. I noticed Bucky staring at me, confused.

" Uh, sorry. I can't let you know. " I say through grit teeth. " At least let us help you. " Wanda piped up.

I shook my head, and sat down in place. I pulled my knees to my chest, and sighed.

" At least tell us your name. " Bucky said, with an edge I didn't recognize. I thought for a moment.

" The Wolf. That's what you can call me. " I say. I see Steve reach out a hand to me. I hesitate, but grab it. He helps pull me up.

They turn around to descuss something, so I take that as my cue to run away. I ran to an alley, and leaned against a wall.

I heard something step near me, and I jump into a fighting stance. I see it's Bucky, and stand back up.

" Do I know you? " He asked. I think for a moment. " You might, might not. " I answer, and leap onto the roof of the building beside the alley.

I ran along building's, and eventually got back home. I jumped through the window, thankful no one was there. I closed the window, and changed in the restroom.

I sat down against the door. I saw more blood seap from my wound. Perfect. I remembered that Wade had tried to give me his number, so I tried to contact it. I should text him.

( Bold font is Brandy texting, slanted is Bucky, she just don't know it yet. Capiche? )


Wade. Do you know how to take a bullet out?


Um, who is this?


Oh, sorry. I must've typed in the wrong number.


Wait did you say, ' take out a bullet ' ?


Indeed I did. Why do you ask?


You should go to a hospital about that.


Nah, I'm fine.

Anyways, what's your name?


I can't just tell a stranger my name.

What if you try to kill me?


Wow. He thinks a thirteen years old will kill him.

You can call me, Wolf btw.


So your a kid?



God da_____.

Now you know my age.


You can call me Mr. Cool.

You kiss your mother with that mouth?!


Oki, Mr. Cool.

Jokes on you I can't kiss my mother, she's dead.

Mr. Cool

Oh, I'm so sorry.

I didn't know.


Eh, she ap-parent-ly hated me.

Heh, puns.

Mr. Cool

That's cruel on yourself.

Why did she hate you?

And why are you out getting shot?


She sold me to a weird place.

They injected me with this strange stuff, and made me stronger.

They forced me to train.

Also, ever heard of The Wolf?



Mr. Cool didn't respond, so I assumed he did. I sighed, and looked over at my blood covered arm. I tried to move it and winced.

I sighed, and knew this is where I would have to sleep.


So now it's a wrong number thing. I'm getting worse at this.

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