Chapter thirty-one - 'Well aren't you a ray of sunshine?'

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Brandy's POV:
I slam into the building- hold up. You need to be caught up with the situation that seems to be happening at the moment.

So there was this guy, who had a red cape, and a fish bowl on his head. There was a weird... water monster?

The dude came out of nowhere, and started blasting it.

Eventually, he somehow killed it after doing whatever he was doing.

He walked over to me, and shook my hand. He took off the fish bowl, and smiled. From experience, I could emediantly tell he was up to no good.

I then grabbed his arm, and flipped him to the ground. He groaned, and blasted at me. Ok, now we're caught up, correct? Ok, good.

I get slammed into a building, and leap off shifting into a wolf. I land at least fifty feet away from the mysterious man.

I dash towards him and pounce, holding him down. He grumbles and kicks me off. I growl, and land. I leap at him, but feel something pull me back.

I see an orange light of magic is surrounding me in a bubble. I pace in the bubble and see Uncle Strange on the far side.

I see the mysterious man between us. I feel my pupils go to slits, and I feel my instincts scream at me to attack.

I clutch my head and grit my teeth, hoping my instincts would stop. I my instincts clear enough to see the man running at me.

I can't react fast enough, and I'm pushed into the air. I twist and land near him.

I feel my eyes become blood red. I feel magic course through me. It's been a while since I've used magic. Shifting doesn't require magic, if it did I wouldn't be shifting all the time.

Magic doesn't feel good when you use it too much. In fact, it hurts. A lot.

I see a red glow radiating off me. I shift into a human while sprinting towards him. I feel a force slam into me as I hit a wall. That wasn't here a couple seconds ago.

I look around and I'm in a dark room. I suddenly feel like I'm falling, and I hit rock hard things as I fall to the hard ground.

I groan, and suddenly see Hydra agents flooding into the room. I fight against them, but I seem to faze through them.

They pile onto me, and suddenly their gone.

" You must be confused, Wolf. You probably don't know what's real, and what's not." I hear a sneer.

I tense and look around. The environment around me is now a roof. I see Tony near the edge. He jumps. I jump after him, and I hit a hard surface.

I stand up, and I'm in a dark room again. Alone. No. I'm not alone, I can feel it. I close my eyes and exhale deeply.

I form a couple throwing knives with my magic and throw them at the direction my gut tells me.

Strange robots drop down, and the allusion fades a bit.

They begin to shoot at me, so I grab some parts from the fallen robots and leap at two. I stab through them, and use them as shields.

The dark room fades around me, and I'm back on the rooftop. I continue attacking the robots. They fight back.

I feel a sharp pain in my chest, and realize one of the bots had hit me. I continue fighting, ignoring the sharp pain in my chest.

I hear Uncle Strange yells, as he tries to get close. I realize, I had made a red dome that was only keeping me, the weird guy, and the robots in.

I jump onto a wall, and shift into a wolf jumping off the wall and landing on another bot. I tear it apart, and move to the next. And the next. I notice the man was beginning to panic.

I tear apart the last robot, and face the man. He has sweat falling down his forehead, and he is slightly shaking.

It then clicks in my head. Allusions. " You thought using robots to make allusion villains would make you an Avenger? What were you going to do then, kill them?" I growl baring my fangs.

" It would've worked if a stupid kid hadn't have intervened!" He yelled. " Really? Even if you got in, if you even tried to hurt them I would rip you limb from limb before you touch a hair on one of their heads." I hiss stepping forward.

I put the dome down, and the pain in my chest increases. I bite down on my lip, and a smirk appears on the man's face.

" One of the robots get you? oh poor baby." He laughs sarcastically. My ears fold back. I feel a hand on my shoulder, and I see Uncle Strange looking down at me, concerned.

I shake his hand off, and glare at the man. " Y'know, those robots were weak. I would tell you to work on them, but you wouldn't be able to. Why? Because you would be rotting in prison, where you belong." I let hatred drip into my words, and I crouch.

He lets out a laugh, which is cut off my me pinning him down. Keeping him down this time.

The police arrive, and shove him into one of their cars. They drive off, and I shift back to a human. I feel my legs shaking, and my vision get darker each second. I feel my legs buckle, and I fall, Uncle Strange catching me.

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