Chapter nineteen - Vulture!

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Brandy's POV:
I jumped around the dark city, making my way to the tower. I heard something humming behind me and I glanced back.

I felt something like a blaster, blast me out of the air. I looked up and saw someone with strange robot wings. They picked me up with their arms as they swooped down.

I wriggled in his grasp trying to free myself. He lifted me higher and higher. He dropped me and it felt like slow motion. It felt like I was falling so slowly.

I was panicking too much to change forms. I twisted in the air trying to find a safe way to fall. I hit the water hard.

I squirmed under the surface, my lungs begging for air. I hit the bottom of the lake and crouched. I pushed off launching to the surface. I swam to the harbor and coughed up water. I inhaled and exhaled hardly.

When I was good to go, I followed the sound of the wings. I saw them go outside a building. He fired up his weird blaster things, and I leaped into action.

I jumped inside the building and told everyone to leave. They all left in the front door, just in time. Well, not me.

I saw the ceiling above me, and the walls around me fall. I froze in fear. I felt it all push me down to the ground. I gasped for air, and tried to pry it off. I fell back to the ground and stared at the ground. I heard a faint voice in front of me, and I reached out.

I grabbed my mic, and put it on. " Kid, are you alright, you should've been home at least an hour ago?" Tony's concerned voice blaired through it.

" Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. All good here. " I forced myself to say. " Alright. " I heard him turn off his mic, and I sighed.

I tried to lift it over and over and over again. I heard the weird bird dude laugh outside of the building as he flew away. I saw him flying towards the tower. No. I felt a sudden burst of energy, and I shifted. I shifted into a wolf and used my back to lift the rubble.

It didn't work much, but I was soon free. I definitely had a few broken ribs, and an arm out of place. I quickly popped it back into place and grunt.

I dash towards the tower going as fast as I can. I shifted into a leopard, and saw the bird dude. I leaped on him, and tore at his wings. He blasted me, and I fell back. I growled, and made sure he didn't get to the tower.

I saw the Avengers run out of the tower, and widen their eyes. I looked back at the bird dude. " I've been watching you fight for some time. But can you stop me from hurting your family? You seem to fail at that a lot. " The bird remarked.

Under that mask I knew he was smirking. " Well then let's see what the cat will bring home next then. " I heard him laugh coldly at my joke.

I twitched my tail in annoyance. " What you don't like water? I can throw you in again. You don't like buildings? I can throw one on you again. " He hissed.

He flew with only one wing. He flew to the harbor, I saw a plane fly over head.

" Don't even think about going after him! " Tony yelled. I looked back, and dashed after him. I heard them running after me, but I didn't care.

I changed into a hawk and flew up to the plane. I changed into a normal human and landed. I looked at the bird dude who was looking at me. " Oh so she finally grew a back bone, huh? " He hissed.

I shifted into a wolf, and paced. I stopped and stared at the stranger. I leaped at him with jaws open. I tore off his last wing, and he threw me off. I almost fell off the plane. Almost.

I climbed back up, only to see him blast off the wings of the plane. I felt the plane fall. And fall. And fall.

I felt it hit the ground, and I felt myself get thrown off. I felt the fire around me. I stood up, and shifted into a human.

I walked to where the new villian got thrown off. He laid there for a moment, then the next he was throwing a fist at me. I caught it, and grabbed his arm. I flipped him over and held him to the ground.

I wasn't going to kill him. I was going to wait for the police. I held him down, and every time he tried to throw me off, I would hold him down firmer.

I heard the police, but waited for them to actually be there. I waited and waited and waited. Soon he was hand cuffed and I was safe to let go.

I stared at the man. And he stared back. " Try to hurt my family again and you'll end up just like Thanos. Dust. " I hissed before he was taken away.

I limped to the tower, and stood in the elevator. I sat on the couch, and sighed. Soon I heard the elevator door open again and I saw the Avengers.

I stood up and walked to them. " You need to stop saying your ok when your not. " Tony was the first to speak. I heard the worry drip in every word.

" I know." I simply said. I walked up the stairs, and into Peter and I's room. I sat on my bed, and felt Bruce - holding a med kit - sit beside me. I let him patch me up. He had to put some stitches in, but it was fine. He told me goodnight and let me rest.

I laid my head down, and closed my eyes. " Goodnight, Brandy." I heard Tony say in the doorway. " Goodnight, dad." I was too tired to care what I called him.

I soon fell asleep. It was nice. Or, I wish I could say it was.

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