Chapter thirty-four - I can't take this anymore

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Brandy's POV:
I was facing a wolf that looked distinctly familiar, I just didn't remember where from. It pounced at me so I ducked out of the way. Wait, I was a wolf too?

They pounced towards me again, and I was held down. I could feel their claws digging into me. I growled and threw them off. I jumped up after them and shoved them to the ground.

I clawed down their stomach and they let out a screech of pain. They pushed me off, and bit down on my throat. I felt blood welling up in my throat and spill over my lips.

I threw them off, and felt blood dripping from my throat. I leaped at them and scratched at their eyes. They yowled again, and turned to dust.

I fell to the ground, and felt numb. My lungs weren't allowing air through them. I struggled for a bit and heard faint yelling.

I wake up in the med bay and there is a searing pain in my shoulders and throat. There was something covering my mouth that was forcing air in and out of me.

I saw an IV sticking out of my wrist and I sighed.

" Wait, guys, I think she's awake!" I hear an excited voice call from outside of the room. I see my family enter the room with smiles and concerned eyes.

" What happened?" I croak out, my voice hoarse.

" We heard growling from your room so we went to check on you and you had blood all over you." Bucky almost whispers.

I feel my blood run cold. I tear the IV and thing off me, and I jump out of the bed shifting into a wolf. They all scramble towards me.

" Woah, woah, woah, you need to rest!" Tony almost yells, but I turn away. " Close the doors!" Clint shouts as I dash towards the doors.

I rush out of the Tower and down streets. I keep running until I'm out of the city. I look off into a dark forest and I creap in.

I stand in a clearing. The exact one from my dream. I see the wolf walk forward from the shadows.

It growls and circles me. I stay still and watch it's every movement. It leaps at me and I dodge out of the way.

It pounced at me again, and I'm held down. I claw at it's stomach and throat until it let's go. It coughs up blood and looks back at me.

I feel my eyes redden. I jump at it and bite down on it's neck hearing a snap. It turns to dust and I sit down. The gashes on my shoulders were now reopened and deeper.

I heard shuffling behind me and I saw Bucky appear. I sigh and shift back to a human. I walk over to him and stop half way.

I look back at the pile of dust that was on the ground. My eyes changed to hazel and I fell to my knees and gripped my head.

Bucky sat down beside me, and I curled into his side staring into nothingness.

" When will it stop?" I say quieter than a whisper.

" When will what stop?" Bucky turns towards me.

" Them! They tried to make people be like me, and, and, they failed! Now those people are after me! They always have been! They never leave me alone! I can't take it anymore!"

Bucky seems taken aback by my outburst.

" I just wish I was normal. I wish I wasn't a monster." I mumble and Bucky shifts suddenly and hugs me close.

" Your not a monster. And anyone that tells you otherwise can go f___ themself." I feel tears well in my eyes.

I curl into his chest. I wish I believed him. I knew I was a monster. I was born one, and I will die one. But, I will die protecting my family. I will die protecting anyone.

I feel something wrap gently around my shoulders and neck. I look down and see bandages beginning to dampen with blood.

I close my eyes and concentrate on breathing.

" Hey, Buck?"

" Yeah?"

" Can you tell me a story about you and Steve?"

" Sure."

He began the story, and I listened intently with a small smile.

This was nice.

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