Chapter twenty-one - War.

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The video above made me laugh-cry. As in, I was crying and laughing at myself. I'm pretty emotionless, so see if you can survive. Also, subscribe to Crankgameplay's he's really funny.

Brandy's POV:
It had been two years. Tony started a war with Steve. I have a new suit so they won't recognize me.

I was waiting. Watching them talk at the airport. I was forced to be on Tony's side. I stood beside him staring into the eyes of Bucky.

Steve seemed to do a signal, because they all sprung at us. I dodged away, and felt his metal arm grab me. I muttered an apology and kicked him in the abdomen.

He dropped me and gripped his stomach. I winced behind my mask. Suddenly, the Black Panther pounced at him and they began to fight. I felt something slam into me, and I was pushed against a wall.

I saw it was Steve's shield, and I wriggled free. His shield returned to his arm, and I stood in a fighting stance.

He jumped at me, and I pushed him away. " Why aren't they fighting back...?" I heard him quickly mutter, and I gripped my arm quickly, then let go.

I felt something grab me. I look and see Antman isn't much of an ant anymore. He tosses me over and I hit the ground hard. I groan hearing a sickening crack.

I hear someone approach me and they sat down beside me. I had my eyes closed but I fought back. " Hey, no, stand down! We're on the same side." Tony's familiar voice said and I opened my eyes.

" Oh hey Tony." I whisper. " Your done, you hear me? Done." He said standing up. " Hey, no, I can still fight." I stand too, and he sighs. He jumps into battle, and I see Steve bolting towards me.

I stick my arm that is supposedly broken to my side. I use my spare arm to ready myself. He jumps at me, and I jump over his head. I sense a fist about to hit me, so I grab it with both hands.

I wince at the movement. I see Bucky, and I'm holding his metal hand that's balled up in a fist. He lifts me up and throws my causing me to hit the ground again. I felt a rib crack and I spat out blood.

I stood back up. Wincing at every movement. I faced the two men. They seemed to be having a silent conversation while pacing around me.

I stood still waiting for them to strike. I'm suddenly lifted into the air again and I gasp sharply as the large hand presses on my broken bones.

I face him and growl. He throws me and I hit a plane that's parked. I cough up a bunch of blood that had gathered in my throat. I saw all the others including Peter fighting. I need to keep fighting!

I jumped down and saw Steve holding a huge metal container.

He threw it at me and I caught it. I strained under the weight. I'm suddenly punched in the stomach and I fall feeling the container fall on top of me. I feel more bones snap and I hold back a cry of pain. I try to lift it off me.

It doesn't work. " C'mon c'mon, you gotta get back up again! Ignore the dumb war! You need to live!" I growl under my breath. Blood was pooling around me.

Is this what death felt like? No! I'm not dying today! C'mon you idiot get up! I used all my strength and lifted the metal off me. I felt pain everywhere, but I got a ping of energy when I saw Antman trying to hurt Peter. I dashed over and shielded him.

I got punched in the ribs ( or what's left of them ). I cough up more blood and wheeze. I help Peter up and get into fighting stance. Steve snaps his fingers and I'm being held down by Bucky forcefully.

" Why won't you fight back?!" They sadly and frustratingly yelled. " B-because I didn't sign up to beat up people. I didn't even sign up, but I'm doing what I need to. I-i'm s-s-sorry." I gasp out. I push Bucky off, launching myself into the air.

I twist in the air in panic. I'm caught by Sam grabbing me and throwing me into the nearby harbor. I hit the water hard and the air is knocked out of my lungs.

I squirm under the water, and hit the bottom. I close my eyes. I suddenly hear someone dive in and grab me. I look up and see Tony. He sets my down and props me up against something.

I feel tears falling down my cold cheeks. I hated this. Watching them fight each other. I wasn't thinking and I slipped off my mask.

I wiped my eyes and opened them. They were all staring at me. All, horrified.

" We almost killed her..." I heard Steve's team muttering sadly and guiltily. I closed my eyes and sighed. Bruce walked over and patched me up. I couldn't move. It hurt too bad.

Bucky sat beside me, I saw the tears in his eyes and I side-hugged him. I burrowed into his touch and relaxed. He hugged me back and I smiled. I was fifteen now. Peter was sixteen. We were getting older.

This was nice though. This was nice.

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