Chapter fourty-five - I'm starting to think karma hates me.

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Brandy's POV:
I was looking straight at a Hydra agent. Shield had captured one, and brought him into an interrogation room to be questioned.

He stared back at me with a smirk. He had handcuffs on his wrists and ankles. Just in case.

"If it isn't the famous Winter Wolf." He sneered, sending a shiver down my spine.

"Hello agent." I respond coolly.

"How have you been lately?" His smile twitched a bit.

"Better. How have you been, agent?" I say with a slight voice crack.

"Oh, I've been great." He says leaning back in his chair.

I hum in response and keep my gaze sharp.

"What do you want, agent?" I asked after a few moments.

"I just wanted to pay a visit to my favorite mutt." He says not breaking eye contact.

I sigh and look down at my shoes.

"I'm also here to drop some hints about y'all's past life." My eyes zip back up quickly.

"What?" I say in confusion.

"I want you two to know a bit about yourselves." He says, smile only growing when Bucky takes a seat next to me.

"Alright." I say staring deep into his green eyes.

"Do you two ever wonder why you look alike?" He says with amusement.

Me and Bucky look each other down, and we look back nodding.

"You may or may not be related." He says mischievously.

I feel my blood run cold. I don't even dare look over at Bucky.

"In fact, James may be a bit more than related to you." I look down at my hands.

I feel Bucky tense after hearing his name.

"Now, would you be a darling and show me how well the serum worked?" He said in a sickly sweet tone as I look up.

I shift into a wolf and glare at him with a burning hatred.

"There it is. The true animal you are. Or should I say, monster?" He began to cackle dryly, and the fury inside me grew.

"You're lucky that Fury said I couldn't hurt you. If he hadn't said anything, you would be dead by now." I spat at.

Amusement twinkled in his eye and he gave out a cold laugh.

I look over at Bucky and see him looking down at his flesh arm. I move over to him, and sit down beside him.

"You may be right," I say venomously. "but I've tried to change. You can't sweep me under you until you have tried too."


"You cannot talk to us like we're worms when you're the dirt we're forced to live with!"


"You can't just judge us because we are-"

"Brandy!" I finally realize that Bucky had been trying to get my attention, so I look up at him.

"I think I might know what he means." Bucky's expression is dark, and cold.

"What do you mean?" I tilt my head slightly.

The agent began to chuckle darkly.

"You really don't get it do you?"

I glare at the man and feel my lip pull back into a snarl.

"YOU have no say in this! You can be quiet and shut your trap! That would be the most helpful you would be this entire day!" I snap, earning a flinch.

"Brandy, your.... I'm.... God I don't know how to say this." Bucky says, his voice strained.

"Nevermind. I'll tell you some other time." Bucky shakes his head looking away.

I keep my eyes on him for a bit, but tear them away to look back at the agent.

"Thank you for being quiet for what was at least a minute. I would say that's a new record." I say with a fake smile.

"Don't try your snarkiness on me." The agent says leaning forward.

"You know that Hydra will capture you two soon. And they will make you suffer." He whispers not daring to look at me.

I shift back to a human and stare at him for a moment.

I walk out of the door, hearing Bucky protest.

I keep walking until I'm out the front door. I duck behind a trashcan and shift into a sheep dog. I walk out and try my best to look normal.

I jump onto the roof of a building and sit down, letting out a sigh.

I sit there until I hear movement. I look back and see Steve.

I turn away from him as he sits down beside me.

"What happened?" He asked gently. I sigh and look up at him.

"They're hiding something from us. I think Bucky knows what it is, but he won't tell me." I ramble.

"What all do you know about what they're hiding?" Steve scoots a bit closer to me.

"That me and Bucky are related, but in more of way than we think." I say looking out onto the city.

"Interesting. You guys do look alike. I wonder what they meant by the whole 'more than you think' thing..." Steve trailed off in thought.

"Wish I knew."

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