Bonus Chapter - Thanos won...

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Brandy's POV:
I gripped Thanos' arm as he held me by my neck. He held his fingers in a snapping motion. " Noooo! " The scream ascaped my lips, but it was too late. He set me down on the ground, and I felt a weird pain deep in me. I looked over at Peter and Tony.

" Mr, Stark I don't feel so good.... " I murmured stumbling towards him. I wrapped my arms around him tightly. " I don't wanna go..... Mr. Stark please..... I don't wanna go.... " I felt the pain grow more and more. I felt myself face slightly on my leg.

" I'm sorry... " I murmured into Mr. Starks ear and I faded to dust.

Tony's POV:
I watched as Brandy disappeared before me. I remembered all the things she had done. For us. For me.

Suddenly her dust on the ground started shifting. A black Phoenix formed and flew up. It shifted again into a leopard. It leaped onto Thanos but I saw her fall back and lay lifeless beside him, with his blade sticking from her neck. The animal faded into the small form of Brandy.

She closed her eyes and her lips went blue. I felt rage boil inside me.

Thanos' POV:
I saw a leopard leap at me so I drove my blade into it's throat. Then, it fell back and faded into that small child. She laid lifeless facing me, and I noticed the tear streaks down her face. I saw her flutter her eyes and stumble to stand. She growled and took the form of a dragon.

She opened her mouth and blew flames at me, burning my skin. It hurt really bad, but I had to go with my plan. I've already gotten rid of alot of the others. She stopped and stood still.

" I've heard your excuse. I know what you have done. I know what you can do. But, I won't stop fighting you. " I heard her voice echo through my head. The dragon rose into the air, and all I could see were her peircing red eyes.

Soon a small figure dropped down from where the dragon rose up. She was coughing violently and gripping her neck. Blood looked from her little area. I saw her drop down, this time probably never to get up again.

I saw her trembling, and trying to get up once more. She glared at me maliciously. She had a look of determination. I heard a cry of pain, and she changed into a wolf, and bolted. ( Bucky didn't dust in this, or Peter, because it would only make my life more painful ).

I looked over and saw a man with longish hair, and a metal hand gripping his side. I saw the wolf dash towards him. She protected him from my soldiers. She looked so tired. But she kept fighting.

Bucky's POV:
One of Thanos' goons drove a knife into my side. I let out a painful cry. I heard something, or someone dash towards me. I looked back at the soldiers and one of them were about to stab me again, but something large and grey knocked it away. I looked at the large animal, and it was a red eyed wolf. It had a gash in it's neck and cuts all over.

Brandy. I saw her fight off anything that got close. She backed towards me and stood in front of me, and growled. A horde dashed towards us, and she leapt at them. She fought and fought and fought. When they were dead she limped back to me. She was breathing heavily, and she callapsed.

Tony's POV:
I spotted Bucky standing over a large grey wolf, and I walked over. I saw it was Brandy when I was halfway there. I dashed over, and blood was everywhere. She had her eyes barely open. I looked around, and saw many dead soldiers laying in the dirt.

I saw Thanos walk towards us. I stood over Brandy and Bucky and fired up a blaster. He stopped and stood there. I saw a flash of grey, and Thanos was on the ground with Brandy biting at him and scratching. He threw her off, and she hit something metal. She yelped and fell to the ground.

She laid there for minutes. After minutes. I stared maliciously at Thanos. I saw a blast of fire blast at the purple fiend, and he erupted in flames. I looked over to see instead of a wolf, but a red dragon.

Thanos charged at the dragon, and raised his blade. Before he could strike, a web pulled his blade out of his grasp. I look over and saw Peter. He had cuts and bruises, and his suit was tore a bit.

Brandy's POV:
I laid there eyes screwed shut, but nothing came. I opened my eyes and saw Thanos with a surprised look, without his blade. I wanted to keep fighting, to keep helping. I changed back into a human and stumbled around a bit. I held my hand up and balled it up. Thanos glanced at me from the corner of his eye. I punched him using my magic to propell him backwards.

I looked over at Peter, Tony, and Bucky. I changed into a fox and ran to Thanos. I unsheathed my claws and scratched at him.

Eventually, he kicked me and I soared away. I changed into a cat, and landed on my feet. I melted into a cheetah, and I ran back to our little battlefield.

I saw Thanos walking towards Tony, Peter, and Bucky. I growled and unsheathed my claws. I leaped at him and pushed him away from them. I stood in front of them and narrowed my eyes at the villian.

I felt the same pain inside of me. I growled and leaped at Thanos, but I was dust before I even hit him.


I thought this chapter would be a cool idea, but it makes really no sense. Sorry bout that. 😅

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