( short chapter) Chapter thirty-five - Blehhhhh.

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Bucky's POV:
I wake up with a jolt, and I pant for air. It was just a nightmare. Their not going to get you or the others again.

I hear a tiny voice singing in the room nextdoor, and I instantly knew it was Brandy. Wait. She wasn't supposed to be out of the med bay!

I get up and walk to the room. I see her small frame hunched over the piano, and she was trembling.

Brandy's POV:
Let's go in the garden.

You'll find something waiting.

Right there where you left it lying upside-down.

When you'll finally find it you'll see how it's faded.

The underside is lighter when you turn it around.

Everything stays, right where you left it.

Everything stays, but it still changes.

Ever so slightly, daily and nightly, in little ways when everything stays.

Go down to the ocean, the crystal tide is raising.

Waters gotten higher as the shore washes out.

Keep your eyes wide open, even when the sun is blazing the moon controls the tide it could cause you to drown.

Everything stays right where you left it.

Everything stays but it still changes.

Ever so slightly daily and nightly in little ways.

When everything stays.

I put my trembling hands in my lap as I feel tears fall from my eyes. From the corner of my eye I see Bucky sit beside me.

" You know your not supposed to be out of the med bay." His voice concerned me, but I let it slide.

" I hate it in there."

" Then stop getting hurt."

" How do I stop myself from getting hurt in my sleep!" I snap and mutter an apology at his surprised look.

" Look, I hate labs, I hate small rooms, and I hate silence and darkness. We both know why. I just don't want to say it..." I say the lat two sentences a bit quieter.

" Why do you always keep yourself so bottled up? Why do you build a barrier around yourself and block us out?" Bucky's questions surprise me and I sigh.

I rub the tears off my cheeks, but more fall. " Because you guys have enough problems, you don't need mine." I say sternly and I look up at the piano.

" I'm used to solving things myself. Focus on others problems, not mine, ok?" He stays silent so I look up at him.

He's staring down at me with tears falling down his face. I look away and sigh again.

" Bucky, you know I don't know how to express or do things properly. You had time to grow up before you went to Hydra. You did good things before, and that made you innocent. Me, however, grew up there. I did nothing good. Nothing people could look to to actually tell whether I was good or bad. They have everything to judge me for."

I still feel Bucky's gaze on me. I suddenly feel him wrap his arms around me and lay his head on top of mine.

" I sorry I didn't get you out too."

" That wasn't your fault, I made that decision."

" Why do you blame everything on yourself?"

I grow stiff and silent.

" Because you always have to pin it on someone. I know I didn't do it, but I take the blame for it." I quietly whisper.

Irondad, Spiderson, And A Little Kid.  (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now