Chapter twenty-three - will he ever leave me alone?

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Brandy's POV:
I woke up in a cold sweat. By now it was normal. I walked downstairs after putting on my suit. I saw Peter sitting there, and I grabbed an apple. " If Steve asks, I ate breakfast." I say biting into it.

He hums tiredly, and I walk into the elevator. " FRIDAY, bring me to roof please."

" Yes, ma'am." The AI said and I felt the elevator move upwards. " You don't have to call me ma'am, you can call me Brandy." I say leaning against the wall.

Suddenly the elevator stops, and the door opens. Steve walks in and we stand in complete silence.

He hasn't spoke to me in weeks... I began to worry about Steve. He was a lot quieter.

" So, your going on patrol this early?" He awkwardly says, and I can't help but smile behind my mask.

" Yep. Where are you headed?" I say casually.

" Gonna make sure the Vulture stays where he belongs." He says. Oh so that was the bird dudes name. It suits him. Their both discusting.

" Good." I say quietly. The elevator dings, and I walk out. I wave goodbye to Steve and the doors close.

I toss the core of the apple in a trash can, and popped my knuckles.

I leaped off the building, and shifted into a wolf mid leap. I ran along building's, swiftly stopping crimes.

I stopped to rest, when I got a text from Bucky.

Mr. Cool

Steve told me to tell you, you need to go to him so you can have a chat with the rat.


Ok, and nice nickname.(☞゚∀゚)☞

I snort in amusement at his nickname he used.

I shift back into a wolf, and I dash to the nearest jail. I shift into a human as I leap down to the ground from a building in front of it.

I open the door calmly, and I'm led into a room. Steve is there, and I'm guessing the Vulture is the man handcuffed to a chair.

I sit in a chair beside Steve that's across from the man.

" Oh look, it's the Winter Wolf." The man sneers, and I dig my nails into my palms.

" Call me that again, and I might break a law just to snap your neck." I hiss threateningly. As I say it I fell my pupils go to slits.

He visably looks frightened, and shuts up. He must know I'm not joking.

Steve puts a hand on my tense shoulder, and I relax.

" So, why was I called here?" I look over at Steve.

" You needed to hear what he has to say about trying to attack us." I nod, and return my gaze to the prisoner.

" Without you fools, I could be the best super her-!"

" Yeah, I'm gonna stop you there. You could never be a hero. I know people can change, but you have the wrong mind set." I say sitting up straighter.

He seems annoyed about my comment, and scoffs.

" The Winter Soldier is a hero, so are you. Who says I can't if you've-!"

I bolt out of my chair, and I slam my hands on the table. " Bucky is a good person. He was forced into that, don't you dare talk about him like that!" I growl.

" And I should to you?" He says smugly, and I sit back down. I feel Steve's gaze on me.

I deserve it. He doesn't. I furrow my brow and I glare into his eyes.

" Just leave them alone. They don't deserve it."

" And you don't?"

Would he stop saying the same thing! No, I don't!

Steve snaps his gaze towards me, and I realize I said it out loud.

I sink into my chair and sigh.

" Look, I've done some awful things. Under control or not, I still did them. Bucky made up for that. He protected me when I thought I might as well die. So if you try to hurt him just because you don't like him? You have an enemy in me. And you won't touch my family!" I spit growling under my breath.

" If I do?" He says smugly.

" I'll make sure you die in a more painful way than turning to dust." I hiss.

I know Steve is still looking at me. I realize how thin, and weak I must look. These nightmares are taking a toll on me.

" As if! You can't touch me while your here, or you will be arrested too." He laughs.

" As I said earlier. I'm not afraid to break a few laws to snap your neck." I say narrowing my eyes.

" Oh, by the way. How's that scar on your side doing? My son did well." I freeze and feel a slight red tint in my eyes.

" Why yes it's fine. How's the concussion holding up? And the burns?" I hiss back.

He flinches as I see the burn marks that are now scars covering his face. I smirk and Steve shifts.

" I see you two know each other?" Steve says glaring at the scared man.

" His son is a " friend " of mine." I say making the air quotes noticeable.

" I see. I think we're done here. I don't think it would be good if a fight broke out." Steve says standing from his chair.

I stand up too, and glare at the man. He seems to wither under my gaze, and I walk out satisfied. I follow Steve out, and sigh.

" Why did you say that? You deserve it just as much as we do." Steve says looking at me. I sigh and shift into a wolf. I walk beside him and I think.

" Nah, I've done things. It's my fault Bucky had to escape. It's my fault I didn't run too. It's my fault I let them torture me for two more years. It's my fault everyone is going after us. It's my fault you guys get hurt." I say flattening my ears.

My eyes fill with tears when I'm finished. I bolt away swerving around building's. I leap onto building's.

I hear Steve shouting after me, and running.

I shift into a phoenix and fly on top of the tower. I shift into a human. I stand on the edge. I stand there and stare as the sun sets. I hear huffing and the elevator door opens. I turn back.

I sit down and swing my legs around the edge. Bucky and Steve are on either side of me. I'm staring down at the bandages that cover my arms.

I sigh and bring my knees to my chest. I burrow my face into them.

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