Chapter twenty-eight - 'We are Venom.'

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Brandy's POV:
I can't breathe. They threw my into the harbor. I was knocked out by the force I had hit the water with.

I flashed in and out of consciousness. I felt myself but the gotten, and I shifted into a wolf as I launched off the bottom.

I pin down the man and feel blood drip down in a thin stream down my face. He struggles, but I keep my eyes on him.

The police hand cuff him, and lift him up and into the back of one of their cars. They insist I come with them so I can get the cut on my head treated, I deny and watch them drive off.

I pad over to the shore of the harbor and sit down. I had never liked water. It scared me. Why? Because they would hold me under it until I wished I was dead. They never let me die.

I knew how to swim but I will panic if I'm not in control of my actions in it. I stand up, shifting into a human.

" Brandy!" I hear Bucky call out in worry. He spots me and dashes to me. " Thank God your ok!" He said gripping my shoulders. I don't take my eyes off the water.

I dive into the water and hear Bucky yell.

Bucky's POV:
I watch her study the water. I know she doesn't like deep water so it worried me. She dived in and my eyes widened. " Brandy!" I dive after her.

I see her swimming straight down. She reaches the bottom and sits down. She pulls her knees to her chest and buries her face in her knees.

I grab under her arms and lift her up out of the water. I sit down at the shore, and she sits beside me. Her eyes are glazed over, and seem sad.

" Were you trying to drown yourself?" I ask quietly.

Brandy's POV:
' Were you trying to drown yourself?' The words ring in my head and I stared off.

" Why shouldn't I? I know you guys love me, but ever since I've been here all I've done is get everyone hurt." I say anger rising in me. I wasn't mad at them. I was mad at myself.

" Well you shouldn't commit suicide because of that. If you, and us, are alive you are fine. You have done nothing-." Rage boils in me.

" I have done everything! I lured Hydra here, I've lured the Vulture here!" I snap and he seems taken aback.

" You protected us from the Vulture, and Hydra will never be your fault! They hurt us because they could!" His voice gets louder as well. I groan and bury my face in my hands.

" I should've never escaped, then they wouldn't have hurt you again..." I mutter into my hands. His gaze snaps onto me.

" That wasn't your fault, your being too hard on yourself. Stop blaming everything on yourself." Bucky puts a hand on my shoulder once again.

I feel my eyes fill with tears. I look at my hands and shift into a wolf. I growl and screw my eyes shut. I loved being a wolf, but it brought back too many memories.

I shift back, and stand up. Bucky stands up too. We walk in silence back to the tower. When we reach it, we walk inside.

I walk into the gym, and walk into the bathroom to change. I change into more athletic clothing, and walk out. I stand in front of the punching bag designed for Steve, Bucky, Peter and I. I don't care to wrap my knuckles.

I punch.


I punch again, harder.


I kick it.


I kick then punch the bag.


My knuckles are bleeding now.

I continuously punch and kick it. I think about all my regrets. The bag flies off the hinges. I realize I'm breathing heavily and sweating.

I sit on a bench and close my eyes. I feel someone sit by me, and wrap my knuckles.

I open my eyes, and look over. It's Steve. I sigh and look down at the slightly red tinted bandaging, from my blood.

I bite down on my lip, and taste blood. I stand up, and feel a hand on my shoulder. I shrug it off, and go to the new bag that has been set up in the broken ones place.

I attack the bag. Destroy it. Get another. Attack. Destroy. Attack. Destroy.

There is a pile of destroyed bags near me, and I crumple to my knees, feeling tears fall from my eyes. I feel Steve wrap me into a hug, and I hug back.

" I don't want you guys to get hurt anymore." I murmur as tears fall from my broken eyes.

" And you should?" Steve asks tightening his hug. I think for a moment, then I feel deep sobs about to escape me. I close my eyes and silently cry.

Steve let's go, and rubs tears off my face. I stand up, and head to the bathroom. I change into my suit, and walk out. Before Steve can protest, I'm already out the window. I run to a building I usually perch on, and sit there.

I see someone sit beside me, and I look over. There is a tired looking early twenty year old, in a hoodie.

He notices me looking at him, and he waves. I wave back and he clears his throat.

" I'm Eddie. What's your name?" He sounded about eighteen, or nineteen. I hesitate, but smile weakly.

" Brandy." He smiles and some other voice that's deeper says something. " We are Venom." I see a black symbiote move into view. I smile and wave. " Hello, Eddie and Venom."

Venom seems pleased that I acknowledged him as well. " How has your day been, Brandy?" I freeze and clear my throat nervously.

" Not very good. You?"

" Yeah, same." He says sighing. I shift into a human, and sit down properly. Eddie and Venom stare at me. Not with shock. With.... happiness?

" Eddie! She's like me but you!" Venom says excitedly.

" So can you just shift into anything?" Eddie says looking a bit more interested. I shift and look at my hands.

" Yeah. I like being a wolf most of the time. They have less anxiety." I whisper the last part, but it seems Eddie catches it.

" Can you change into a cat?" It's almost like there are stars in his eyes. I shift into a sleep black cat, and sit down calmly.

" What's with the gloves?" Eddie says pointing to the gloves that go up my small arms. I take them off, and wrinkle my nose at my burned arm.

" What's so bad about it? I think it's cool." I turn to him in confusion. " Nah, Bucky's arm is way cooler." I say with a smile.

" Who's Bucky?" Eddie tilts his head a bit. " My uncle." I explain plainly. He nods and looks out to the city.

" What do you look like?" I shift and look at him as a human. " What do you mean?" He keeps his gaze on the city.

" Under the mask." I nod and look off too. I take off my mask, and reveal my face. The scar over my eyes still shows, the gash in my forehead did not look any good. The cuts and bruises from patrol. He looked at me for a moment, and smiled.

" Do you fight crime or something?" He asked with a slight laugh. My face flushes, and I hide it in my hands. Was it that bad?

" Yes, as a matter of fact I do. Not only crime, bigger things sometimes too." I rub my arm a bit.

I hear a whistle. " I gotta go, bye Eddie and Venom!" Before I leave we exchange numbers, and I leap away.

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