Chapter four - never go out again.

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Brandy's POV:
I didn't know my powers yet, but Wanda gladly would teach me. Peter was helping too, he was like a brother to me now. Wanda threw something at me, something light with her magic. My eyes flash red, and I extend my hand. The object freezes as if time had stopped. Wanda and Peter smile impressed. Throughout the day we trained with heavier things, until I was a master. I could fly too, that was cool.

--Time Skip--

After dinner me and Peter go out on patrol. I can only use my left hand still, and I can't make too much sudden movements. I hear a gunshot behind us, and I hear a woman screaming for help. Me and Peter dash over. We see a man holding a woman against a wall with a gun. I remember that man from somewhere. My blood freezes.

It's Flash's dad. I spot Flash holding a knife looking maliciously at Peter/ Spider-Man. Flash bolts at him, and I make my eyes go red, and I lift myself and Flash up. He wriggles around and my hand starts straining I feel the need to double over to cough up the blood rising in my throat. I start slacking and I close my eyes.

I feel a sharp pain in my side. I open my eyes and see Flash smirking with the knife planted in my side. I lift him really high and drop him. As I watch him fall from way high up I see dark spots feild my vision. I pass out and feel myself free falling. I feel someone grab me and carry me away. I start waking up, and I open my eyes.

It's Peter. I sigh relieved. I feel the pain in my side grow worse and worse by the minute. I see the tower and I curl up against peter, feeling tears fall down my cheeks. Peter rushes in. " DAD! DAD YOU GOTTA COME HERE! " Peter desperately called. Tony ran in and his eyes grew wide. He grabbed me and ran to the lab. Bruce saw one glance and hurried over.

The knife was still in my side, and I winced every few minutes. Tony put something in my mouth to swallow. As soon as I swallowed it, I felt numb all over and I passed out.

Peters POV:
I paced in the living room. I stopped pacing, and I stared at my blood soaked hands. I headed into the lab. I walk over to where their working. I see Brandy's small, frail body laying there and I dashed over. The knife was laying beside her, and dad and Bruce were putting medicine, ointment, and stitches on and in her side. They rolled a bandage across her body, so it would stay on her side.

A few hours later she woke up, and sat up. She saw me and smiled. " Glad your ok. " My mind was racing. " You took a knife for me! " I saw her flinch at my raised voice. She looked at her side. Blood had just started seaping into the fabric. " I feel fine, though. " She murmured.

Tony walked in and sighed. " Sorry, I didn't want him to hurt you, so I did what I thought was right. " She muttered beside me. Tony widened his eyes. " You...saved Pete, again? " The surprise in his voice was very visible. She nodded and winced. " Pain killers stop? I can get you some more. " As Tony walked off she hesitated. " It's fine, I can bear it. " She said getting up.

I could see the pain in her eyes, as she tried to hide it. Wanda burst into the room. " Lemme see my cinnamon rolls!" She dashed at us, and hugged us tightly. I saw Brandy bite her lip to stop the pain. Wanda let us go, and Brandy had a smile plastered on her face.

I was getting tired of a little kid risking her life for mine. I brought Brandy up to our room, and I asked her where Wade lived. " I can't really pronounce it, so can you tell your dad were heading out? " I nodded and went out to go tell dad we were going to Wades house.

Brandy's POV:
I sat there and thought to myself for a long time. I looked at my shirt. I saw blood was seaping into my shirt now. I grabbed my blue hoodie (that Tony washed) and put it on. Peter walked in and nodded. We walked side by side quietly. " Whatcha think Wade's gonna think? " Peter asked sounding slightly smug. I just shrug, and hide my face in my hood.

We reach Wade's house and I knock on the door. A few minutes later, I see Wade and he hugs me tightly. I start to shake, so I bite my lip. He releases me and I smile. " Do you guys smell blood too? " Wade asks curiously looking around. I stiffen and clear my throat. " Uh, nope. " My voice shakes a bit as I feel the pain killers go away. " Brandy, are you okay? " Peter and Wade ask in unison.

" Uh, maybe? " I sit down heavily on a bench. They both sit on either sides of me. I put my hood down, and Wade's eyes widen. " How did...? " I shake my head. " There's worse than that... " Wade raised an eyebrow. I take off my hoodie, and Wade looks over the blood staining through my shirt, and my arm.

He buries his face in his hands. I ignore my arm, and side and I hug him. " It's ok. I'm ok. " I whisper to him. I lift his face up, there are now tear streaks and tears in his eyes. I grab either sides of his face. " Remember. I help people. I don't dodge out of the way and let them get hit. " I say in a soothing voice.

He clears his throat. " You stand firm and take the hit. " He stares me in the eyes. " If I see you about to get hurt by someone else, I will make sure they won't hurt you. Even if I died trying. " This made Wade cry more. " I don't want you to get hurt either. " He murmurs into my shoulder as I hug him. I sit back down in-between them.

Lots of people stare at Wade cause of his many scars he has. I just ignore it, and except who he is. Wade looks back at me, I wipe his tears with my hoodie sleeve.

I relax and close my eyes.


FYI I'm not shipping Wade and Brandy. Their just good friends. Plus, Brandy is like seven.

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