Chapter ten - field trip

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Peter's POV:
Yesterday, the teacher said we were going on a field trip to the Avengers tower. Yay. I climbed onto the gross yellow bus, with Brandy following. We sat down together, she sat by the window and I sat beside her. She stared out the window, looking curious. I didn't know what she was thinking, I wonder what she was thinking.

When we got there, we walked into the lobby. " Ready to get exposed, pe___? Ready for us to find out you don't live with the Avengers? " I heard Flash his into my ear, and Brandy's.

" When I call your name you must come up here and grab a badge. You must make it visable at all times, or Happy, " she points to Happy behind her. " may get confused, and he will escort you out. " She said very seriously. I knew her, Brandy knew her. She was an intern that helped with these sorta things.

After she called everyone's names the teacher spoke up. " What about, Peter and, Brandy's badges? " " They already have badges. " She said noticing us, and giving us a little wave. I saw Brandy wave back, so I did too.

I pulled out our badges, and I gave Brandy hers. We put them on, and looked back to Rose. ( That's her name, I'm at a loss for names, so go with it). " Why do Pe___, and Freak have blue badges? " Flash asked with a smirk. The whole class giggled at our names, but not us.

Rose seemed a bit annoyed about our names as well. " Peter, and Brandy, " She said through grit teeth. " and let me explain the badges and their levels. White - what you and the rest have - are for people who are looking around, they are level one, and can only go up ten floors. Grey is for visitors, they can go up fifteen floors, level five. Purple is for interns - like myself - and office workers/ scientists, level seven, can go up twenty floors. Red is for the Avengers, they can go up any floors. Finally, blue is for Mr. Stark and his family. " She said gesturing towards me and Brandy.

" Next question, how much did they pay you to pretend they live here? " Flash said smugly. Rose seemed enraged at this question, but kept calm. " They did not pay, and I am not pretending. Why might you ask?" She said coldly.

" They keep spreading roomers that their related to Mr. Stark, so I was curious. " He said in an unbelieving tone. She sighed, and began the tour.

We walked into the elevator and she gestured to Brandy, to show a little proof.

Brandy's POV:
When we were in the elevator, Rose looked at me expectantly. I cleared my throat, and shifted a bit. " FRIDAY, please send us to floor two, thank you. " I say loud enough for the AI to hear.

We emediantly felt the elevator move up. Flash scoffed, and rolled his eyes. I saw Rose glance at him with a murderous glance. I looked over at Happy, who was behind me and Peter. He wanted to come along for some reason.

He noticed I was looking at him, so he gave me a little smile. I smiled in response, and returned my attention to Rose.

The elevator stopped, and we all filed out. This floor had the Avengers musiem, and everyone was looking at things, and descussing them. Me and Peter hung back, and stood against a wall.

I heard rumbling in the vents above me, and I looked up. Uncle Clint suddenly jumped out from it, and gave us a smile. " Prank wars, have begun. You have been warned! " He said jumping back into the vents. By now everyone was staring at us, and Flash was rolling his eyes.

I heard huffng, and saw Uncle Steve running and holding Thor's supply of poptarts. He noticed us, and ran over. He stopped in front of me, and picked me up. I looked at Peter, and saw he was clueless too. The whole class was wide mouthed.

" You have been taken hostage. " Steve said with a smirk, and he ran off carrying me, and the poptarts. I saw an angry Thor running after us, with his hammer.

" HEY TINCAN! I STOLE YOUR DAUGHTER! " Steve shouted, making me flinch. Soon there was an angry Ironman after us too. I changed into a cat, and jumped from Steve's arms. I dashed back to class, making sure to change back into a human first.

I walked back to Peter, breathing heavily. I wiped sweat from my forehead. The whole class was still staring at us. " What? " I asked starting to cool down a bit. I saw Make Spider run by, and she noticed us too. " Hello. You wanna join me in prank wars, and go against the others and defeat them? " She asked walking back towards us.

I looked at Peter, and he nodded with a smile. I looked at Rose, and she just shrugged. I looked back at Aunt Nat. " Let's do this. " I said excited.

We were racing down the hall, being chased by all the Avengers covered in green slime. I was holding a bucket that was once full of it, so was Peter, and Nat. We were running like our life depended on it.

I changed into a tiger, and told them to hop on. Soon I was bounding through the halls, with Peter and Nat on my back.

" Why did you side with her?! " Steve yelled angrily. " Because, she has the best ideas, plus- " I was cut off, when Clint jumped from the vents in front of me. I skidded to a halt, accidentally throwing Peter and Nat off. I leaped towards them, and caught them.

I sat them down, and changed back into a human. I was sweating alot, and coughing. I sat down, and sighed. " The class should be on the last floor, let's surprise them. " Peter suggested evilly. I looked over at the Avengers, we all nodded.

We headed over to the tenth floor, and hid in a room. We saw the class looking around the room outside of ours. We waited a couple minutes, and we all leapt out of the room surprising everyone.

We all laughed when Flash screamed. He looked furious. " Where have you been, Pe___, and Freak? Playing around with your "friends" ? " Flash asked angrily.

The Avengers stiffened at our nicknames. I swear to God there was legit fire in Mama Spiders eyes. Steve cleared his throat and stepped in between me and Peter. " What did you call them? " He asked venom dripping in his voice.

" Oh, their nicknames? It suits them. Their a bunch of petty liars, that probably paid you to pretend to know them. " Flash said, acting like he just cracked a case like a detective.

" So this is that bully that we haven't got the pleasure to meet. " Uncle Clint said stepping beside me. " Bully? Ha! You could call me that. It's my job to hurt, and pick on these chumps. Your welcome. " Flash said with a smirk.

" Kid, if your expecting praise from me, for picking on my kids. You need to grow yourself a brain. " Tony spat. This made Flash become surprised. " Your, kids? " He asked taken aback.

" Yeah, their my kids. Have been for about six years. " Tony snapped. All the Avengers looking more and more furious by the second.

" Ok, that's the end of the tour. Now everyone get out of my building. Brandy, and Peter, stay here. " Tony said frighteningly calm. All the students raced out of the building, and teacher.

" So how long has he picked on you? " Dr. Strange said making me jump. I hadn't known he was there, but he looked just as mad as everyone else. Me and Peter Shifted.

" Remember when I came home with that stab wound in my side? " I whispered loud enough for them to hear. Tony's eyes widened. " I'ma kill him. " He said walking towards the elevator. I stopped him and he turned to look at me.

" It was in the past. I didn't mind it. " I told him looking into his eyes. " Yeah, but you almost died! " He said growling. " It was five years ago! " I snapped surprising him. I sighed and regained my composure. " It wasn't the first time I've almost died, anyways. You know that. You all, know that. " I said looking over at the team.

Most glanced at my arm and flinched, others looked at their feet. Tony just kept looking into my eyes. " Well what am I supposed to do, then? " Tony asked walking over to a chair and sitting down. " I dunno. But you can't hurt him. " I sighed. I wanted him to hurt Flash, but I couldn't bring myself to say it.

" How can you be so calm about this? He's hurting you, and your not going to let us do anything? " Steve said defeated. " He rarely targets me in general. Mostly he targets Peter, but I get in the way and protect him. " I say changing into a cat. They knew I was stressed, so they stopped asking questions.

Uncle Bucky sat beside me, and sighed. He stroked my fur, with his metal arm. I didn't feel like purring, so I put my head against his leg. He kept petting me, and eventually he picked me up, and we went to sit on the couch, up in the Avengers living room.

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