Chapter thirteen - frick you school

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Brandy's POV:
I walked to school with Peter beside me, and it was quiet and peaceful. I thought maybe today would be a good day. I felt kinda sick, and the sun was brighter than usual, but besides that I felt fine.

When we got to the school building, Peter had his head phones in so the noise wouldn't hurt his ears. The bell rang and it seemed louder. I had to clutch my ears and close my eyes.

When the ringing in my ears stopped, I saw Peter looking at me from the corner of his eye. I just put my hands in my hoodie pocket, and stared at the ground.

I was confused. What was going on? I waved to Peter, and we parted ways to our classrooms. I walked into my classroom, and sat by myself.

The normally quiet teacher, was now really loud. I flinched every time he started a new subject of science. It was louder than his sentences.

When it was time for lunch I bolted into the lunchroom. I sat down at Peter and I's table. I ate half of my food, when I got a very painful migraine. I laid my head on the table and groaned.

" What's wrong with you? " Peter asked concerned. " I dunno. Ever since I went to Hydra last my hearing and eyesight have gotten stronger. I keep getting really bad migraines. " I murmured keeping my eyes hidden in my arms.

Peter got quiet at this. A couple minutes later he managed to choke out some words. " Kinda like when I got bit? " He asked quietly, and it had a tint that was hoping his statement was false.

I shrugged, and I heard the loud voice of Flash yelling at us. I clutched my ears, and screwed my eyes shut.

" What are you freaks doing back here? " He said annoyingly loud. I flinched at his words still hearing it quite clearly.

I could feel my nails digging into the skin behind my ears. I knew there would be bleeding cresants there. Suddenly everything was bright even from my closed eyes.

Everything that touched me burned like acid. My ears felt like they were going to explode. I opened my eyes wide only to see bright lights. I heard very loudly Peter calling someone.

Bucky. I heard his voice over the phone. I heard a car getting started, and rushing down to the school.

Soon I was being carried into the loud car. I felt blood dripping from around my hands as they clamped over my ears. I had my eyes screwed shut, but the sun blazed through.

I soon was carried into a room I've never seen before. I headed Steve's voice now. It was a whisper but I heard it fine.

" It's ok. It's ok. It's just a sensory overload. Me, Bucky, and Peter have them all the time. It'll be over soon. " I tried to relax, but I just curled up into a small ball. Is this why they left sometimes looking startled?

The room was dark, so it wasn't as bright anymore. Everything still burned and sounded too loud. Is this what they injected into me?

I changed into a cat. Bad idea. They can see in the dark so it was extremely bright again. I kept my eyes screwed shut and felt tears falling down my cheeks.

I felt my claws digging into my fur behind my ears. I heard myself hissing very loudly. Weren't these supposed to be short? I sensed the others concern around me.

Wait. I sensed it? I tried to change back into a human, but I only got into more pain. " Shouldn't it be over by now? It's been five minutes..." I heard Uncle Bucky whisper to Steve.

I just stayed in my little ball curled up in the corner. I felt blood rising in my throat. I took my paws off my ears. It was way louder, but it was worth it.

I coughed blood into my paws, and I saw black cloud my vision. Everything went silent, and I passed out.

Bucky's POV:
I saw the small cat Brandy standing over a puddle of blood, with some dripping from around her lower lip. She shaked on her paws, and fell.

I caught her and sighed. Peter and Steve were watching worryingly. " Why would they do that to her... It was obviously a stronger serum, than what we got...." Steve muttered looking at me.

I stared at the broken figure in my arms. A deep sadness welled up inside me. " Why would they do it to anyone..." I muttered quietly. I knew they heard me.

I noticed there was something darker than her fur, and I brushed it out of the way. I saw a horrid sentence, burned into her skin. ' Hydra's wolf. ' I stared at it for a second.

" Hey, Buck what are you...." Peter noticed the words and he froze. " Looking at...." He finished his sentence quietly. We all stared at the letters for a while.

After an hour passed, I saw Brandy stir. She coughed, and I placed her down. She melted back into a human. She looked exausted.

She let out a sigh of relief and laid down happily. " It's over... " She said wiping the blood from her chin. She noticed we were looking at her, and she filed her head.

" What's wrong? Did I do something...." Her voice shrank into fear at the end. " No no! You didn't do anything, just... why didn't you tell us about the markings? " Steve said concerned. She seemed to shrink at the question.

" U-um... I didn't.. I didn't want to worry you... They k-kinda hurt....." She murmured. She coughed a bit, it turned into a coughing fit.

I rubbed circles in her back. It kinda broke me. Watching as she fell apart, and I couldn't help. I remembered how well she fought Wade. How did she do that? She must train a lot...

I picked her up and brought her to her room. I laid her down on her bed. I walked out, and looked back. I sighed and closed the door.

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