Chapter twenty - well heck.

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Brandy's POV:
I jolted awake and gripped my head in both hands. I was breathing very heavily. That nightmare...

I brought my knees to my chest, and curled into myself. I felt my hearing inhance, and the light from outside inhance as well.

I slipped out of bed and quietly made my way to the room. I closed the door, and curled up in a corner.

I tried to slow my breathing, but gave up. I felt warm tears fall from my shut eyes. I quietly sobbed. Alone. So, so alone.

About an hour later the overload finally stopped.

I went back to my room, slipping into the bathroom. I put on my suit and leaped from the window.

I crouched looking around. I heard something near me and I swiftly turned my head. There I saw a Hydra agent. I got into a fighting stance. She looked so familiar.

Her gaze was....sad? She had no weapons, and it looked like she had ran here.

I shifted into a wolf and twitched my tail. I noticed a tear had fallen down her face. I suddenly smelled fire. I bolted to action.

I leaped into the burning building and looked around. I coughed from the smoke, and called out. There was no response, and I heard something creak above me.

I looked up and the burning ceiling callapsed around me. It then fell on my causing me to growl.

I pushed it off me, and looked around. I was trapped. I heard voices from below. " What do you mean it's going to explode?! Our daughter is in there!! " I heard the Avengers yelling.

I coughed, and wheezed. I crouched down and launched at one of the walls. It broke, and I was falling for a couple moments.

I twisted in the air and shifted into a human. I screwed my eyes shut and felt myself stop falling. I opened them, and floated down.

" Note to self: next time ask if there is anyone in there before I jump to conclusions. Heh. " I giggled weakly at my pun.

They raced over to me and flooded me with questions. " Why did you go out so early?! " I heard a worried Steve. I flinched and cleared my dry throat. " Overload. " I mutter. Their faces are now mixed with either confusion or concern.

I heard a scarily familiar voice. " Good job Winter Wolf. " I heard a hiss. I whirled around, seeing the female agent. I shifted into a wolf and snarled.

Bucky and the rest were frozen. Bucky and Steve with knowing and murderous looks.

" Now now, that's not how you treat family. " I felt a cold shiver from the word family. I bared my fangs. She was my mother. No, not anymore.

She reached out to touch me, and I bite down on her arm. I don't let go. Rage is boiling in me now.

I see blood pour from around my jaws. I hear her cries for me to let go. Eventually, she kicks me off.

" Why did you attack me?! " She hissed gripping her arm. I stood up and got into my fighting stance.

" Hm. I dunno, you sold me to Hydra and they tortured me for years! You left me to be forced into killing! You probably happily watched them beat me until I was almost dead, every single day! " I yowled snarling.

" I had no choice! They were going to kill me! " I scoffed and rolled my eyes. " They should have. You had every decision. If I had to save my real family and I had to die in the process? I wouldn't have to think twice to choose to die! " I hiss venom dripping from every word. I felt Bucky's cold arm touch my shoulder. I sat down, still glaring at her threateningly.

" You better leave. I have a suspicion she will gladly tear you apart, and keep destroying you. You discusting excuse of a mother. " I heard the voice of Uncle Strange.

I sat up, and Bucky grabbed my shoulder again. I growled at the woman and she shrank away. She ran away, and I wanted to follow.

I sat down and sighed. " Why didn't you go after her? " Tony asked astonished that I hadn't bolted yet. " Because then she might try to capture me. Though I would gladly be killing her right now, I'm supposed to be a hero. " I sighed again.

They nodded their heads. " Let's just go back to the tower. " I growl, padding towards the tower.

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