Chapter twelve - Hydra base

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Bucky's POV:
I wake up in a small cell, just like the one I used to be in. " No no no no no no...." I continuously muttered under my breath. I looked around the cell, and noticed a small huddled figure. I heard it muttering the same thing I was.

" Brandy? " I asked hopefully. The figure looked over at me, and seemed relieved. She crawled over to me, and cuddled into my side. I hugged her close, not wanting to ever let go.

I heard footsteps, and the door to the cell opened. Brendan, the guard that had helped me escape long ago, stepped in.

" James, I already released the others, hold tight I'll help you out of this! " He said in an urgent hushed voice. " Why did we end up here again? Why me... Why you....." Brandy muttered letting out shaky breaths.

I felt her form grow smaller and softer. I picked up the now kitten beside me, and held her close.

" Who's the kid? " Brendan asked inching towards us. " This is Brandy. Here, she is known as the Winter Wolf. " I answer sighing.

" Isn't she the one who saved the planet? " This made Brandy's ear twitch. " You know, kill Thanos, and bring everyone back? " She stiffened in my arms, and looked over at the young adult.

" Yeah, guess you could say that. " Brandy murmured loud enough for us to hear. He showed her foreleg that was bald and burnt.

" It wasn't easy. Everyone says I shouldn't have done it. They say I could've died. I know that, but I couldn't let Bucky, or Peter do it. " She said bravely.

Brandy's POV:
I melted back into a human while getting up from in Bucky's arms. I looked out the window on our cell door. I saw no one was there, and I opened the doors -I made sure I destroyed all the alarms and cameras before exiting-.

I creeped around with Bucky following close behind. I took the form of a gerboa ( like a mouse but kinda like a kangaroo too. I think that's how you spell it ).

I spotted the door out was blocked, so I changed into a king cobra. I bit then both on the ankles, and they fell to the ground dead within seconds.

I opened the door, and me and Bucky slipped out. I changed into a huge wolf, and Bucky hesitantly hopped into my back. I bounded through the forest, until I heard shouting. I heard the sound of a blasted getting fired up, and I turned around.

I almost cried in happiness, when I saw all the Avengers. Bucky slipped off my back, and smiled. I melted into a human, and stretched.

I felt dizzy, and began to fall.

Steve's POV:
I caught Brandy before she hit the ground. It had been a week, and we were worried they'd never escape. I held her, and made my way to the ship Tony had ordered Happy to fly over, once he got signal.

I set her down on a bed, and sat beside her. She seemed so tired, and thin. How could a week do this to someone? How could she hold those memories of Hydra in her head that long?

Wade sat in a chair beside me. He was quiet. Something was wrong. Tony and Peter, sat on her other side. Wade had a heart breaking look in his eyes. He really cared, and he was being very serious.

--time skip brought to you by free real estate--

Brandy's POV:
I heard voices around me, they were very loud. It hurt, so I clutched my ears. The talking emediantly stopped, and was replaced with delighted gasps.

I felt someone pull me into a hug, I fluttered my eyes open, and saw blonde hair and happy blue eyes. I smiled and hugged back. I realized I was in the med wing back home and I sighed in relief.

" I thought you were dead! " Wade exclaimed bursting through a random vent in the room causing me to jump. " Ever heard the song ' legends never die'? " Clint asked smugly. " Pfft. Uncle Clint I don't think that's accurate." I giggled.

I changed into a cat, and stretched. " Is that always your solution to stress? " Steve asked worryingly. " Yep. " I popped the p. I saw Bucky, sitting in a chair beside me, asleep. I leaped on his head, making him jolt awake.

" Woah! " Steve caught me as I fell off Bucky's head. I laughed at Bucky's surprised expression. He was soon smiling and stroking my fur.

I heard Wanda running down the hallway. I know what's going to happen. 3. 2. 1. " I heard the cinnamon roll is awake! " She yelled bursting through the doors. Yep, there it is.

She scooped me up, and used her special attack. A flood of kisses. She kissed my forehead and cheeks. I had to push her away, and wipe my whiskers.

Tony was snoring in a chair across the room looking exausted. I decided I would spare him. Just this once. I saw Peter, asleep beside Tony curled into the chair. I leaped onto Peter, causing him to wake up screaming.

I covered his mouth with a paw, and giggled. " Huh, what...? " Tony's tired voice said beside us. Da__ you Peter screams.

Tony saw me and sleepily smiled. I climbed into his arms, and curled up. He laid his head to the back of the chair, and we both fell asleep.

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