Chapter nine - Truth

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Brandy's POV:
I woke up and slipped away quietly, trying not to wake uncle Loki. When I reached the bathroom I melted back into a human, and got ready for school. This would be my first time back to school in a while, and I was nervous.

Apparently, Flash went to the new school we transferred to. Yay. I walked out the door. It wasn't time for school, but I don't care. I walked towards the closed school, that had a few lights on.

I sat down near the front doors. I sat there for maybe an hour, until people showed up. I had a blue hoodie on, to hide my burnt arm I saw Peter running, and dashed towards him. I came face to face with Flash, as I heard Peter run to the school building.

" Well, well, well. The freak goes here too, huh? " He sneered but I just huffed in response. He looked activated, and socked me in the gut. I doubled over and clutched my stomach. He kicked me in the face, and I heard the bell. " Bell always saves you, huh? " He muttered even more agrivated.

After walked away, I stood up and winced. I walked to the school building slowly. I got to class on time at least.

- time skip cause I'm lazy -

After school, Tony picked us up. I sat there uncomfortably because of my stomach. " So how was y'all's first day back? " Tony asked with a smile. " It was great! " Peter beamed. " It was okay. " I shrugged. Tony's smile melted.

I stared out the window, then I looked down at my arm. I slipped my sleeve up, and looked at the perminant burn. I sighed, and slipped my sleeve back over the burnt skin, and returned my attention to the window.

When we got home, I walked up to my room and began to practice my magic. I learned a bit, and I taught myself somethings. When I was tired and hungry, it was time to eat dinner.

I walked downstairs, and made my way to the kitchen. When I walked past I saw everyone having a little meeting in front of the stove. They noticed me and looked over. I just walked past, and sat down at the table.

Peter and Loki were the only others at the table. " So, how was y'all's first day at school? " Loki asked kinda awkwardly. I laid my head on the table and shrugged. " It was interesting. Kinda laid back, but interesting. " Peter answered with a smile.

Five minutes later, the rest of the Avengers filed in and sat down. I lifted my head up, and rested it on my hand as my elbow balanced it. I closed my eyes for a couple minutes, until I felt someone tap my shoulder.

I looked up, and it was Steve. He had a very worried expression. I looked around the table and saw everyone else looking at me. " How did you get so tired? " Tony asked beside me.

" I was training in my room. " It was true. But not the full truth. " Ah, ok. " He seemed satisfied with my answer, but everyone else still glanced at me. Steve sat down, and we began to eat.

I didn't eat much, but I didn't feel really hungry anymore. I told them I was going to bed, and headed up to me and Peters room. I sat down on my bed and rolled up the sleeve of my hoodie. I stared at the burnt skin for a while.

I felt someone sit beside me, and I looked over. I saw Uncle Steve look back at me. He glanced down at my arm as well. I rolled my sleeve back down and looked at the ground.

" You really took a risk that day. " His voice startled me, and was kinda obvious. " Yeah, I know. What was I supposed to do? Let the others do it? Their so much stronger than me, and if they died from it, and I didn't do anything. I wouldn't be able to live with myself. " I explained.

" So you thought that if you died, it wouldn't matter, because we would live? " I nodded and looked up at Steve. " Sometimes you have to do things you never thought you could do, for the ones you love. " I murmured.

He sighed and looked at my now covered arm. " Does it hurt? "

I remember when Tony asked me that. " Yeah. All the time. " I mutter. He nodded and looked me in the eyes.

" Tell me why your actually tired. " He said sternly. I stiffened at his question, and sighed. " I went on patrol by myself. " I say in defeat.

" You know your not supposed to do that. You could get hurt, or worse! " His voice was getting louder now. I flinched, and brought my knees to my chest. " I know. " I simply say.

I felt the pain from hitting the ground from last night, after someone pushed me off that tall building. " I know. " I repeated quietly. I remember the pain in my back as I hit the concrete. I remember looking up, and seeing Wade, decked out in his Deadpool suit, holding a hand out for me.

I felt Steve wrap me in a hug, and I realized I was crying. I hugged him back, and ignored my arm stinging from the sudden contact.

When he pulled away from the warm embrace, I wiped my cheeks. " Goodnight, kid. " He said walking away.

I curled up in bed, after I heard the door shut. I fell asleep, knowing it would be a peaceful night.

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