Chapter three - The Avengers

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Peters POV:
I walked towards my dad's car with Brandy shortly behind. I open the door and slip in, Brandy slips in and leaves the middle seat empty. She waves to her friend as she closes the door. Tony turns around to make sure we're good and buckled. I notice that Brandy had put her hood up, and was visibly shaking. Tony starts to drive and asks us about our day.

" It was great. " I say smiling at my dad. Brandy rubs her injured arm. " It was ok. " She looks out the window and I see Tony glance at her and shock shows in his eyes. " What happened to your face? " Brandy shifts, and clutches her stomach at the movement. " Just some dumb kid that was picking on me. " She shrugs. I notice she didn't mention saving me from that jerk.

" Hey, dad. She also defended me from him. That's how she got most of them. " Tony's eyes widen at this. He glances at Brandy, and smiles. " Thank you, kid. " Brandy tries to shift again, but winces. " So, Peter tells me your not really in good shape. You sleep much? Do you eat? " Brandy seems like she wants to hide at these questions.

" You can answer them at the lab for me and Bruce. Peter you can stay in your room, or you can help. " Tony sighed as we got close to the tower. " I'll help! It's the least I can do. " I smile back.

As we pull into the Avengers huge drive way I spot people standing, waiting for us. I spot Brandy sink a little in her chair, and her breath gets a little faster. Tony stops the car, and gets out. I open my door and get out, Brandy gets out behind him. I sense her shaking behind me. The other Avengers walk up to greet us, most glancing at Brandy.

" You can stay by me, you don't have to though. " I whisper to her. Tony notices and glances at us, he notices Brandy's breathing had quickened. Tony had a look of pity on his face. Brandy came out from behind me, and the Avengers eyes widen.

The first person to rush over is Captain America, followed by a red head with long hair. I recognized Cap from the gym videos at school. " What happened to her?! " The woman asked with a worried tone. I see Brandy glance at me, and I see the pain in her eyes. She suddenly grips her stomach and dashes to a bush. Not again. I wish I could help her...

Steve's POV:
I watched the kid dash to a bush. I heard her coughing violently, and I look at Tony. Tony is gripping Peters hand with a pained look. Peter has a look of defeat.

Natasha dashes fast enough to catch the kid. She carries the small weak looking child to us. I stare in horror as blood still drips from around her lip. " She's unnaturally light for her age, and she feels very weak. " Nat gives Tony and Bruce a glance. They head to the lab and I stand there speechless.

Wanda looks worriedly at me. I see Clint try to put a ' this is normal for kids ' look on, but he struggles to as he stares at the ground.

I run after Tony and the others. We head down to the lab, and Nat puts the kid down on the table. " FRIDAY, set up a health scan for Brandy, please and thank you. " " Scanning Brandy. " FRIDAYs voice echos in the lab.

Bruce's POV:
I watch FRIDAY scan the small weak body of the kid. " She has a bit of damage to her stomach and gut. There is a gun wound in her right arm. She has minor cuts, and some bruises. " FRIDAYs voice echos once again and the room falls still and weary.

Peter looks the most horrified. Tony has a look of realization. " It was too dark to see her clearly, I put some pain killers.... " I heard Tony muttering, and cursing. Steve stares at his feet with his brow furrowed.

I see Brandy stir a bit, when she sits up she flinches and clutches her stomach. She puts her right hand down and we can now see blood seaping into the light cloth of a hoodie.

" Take off your bandages. " I instruct the young kid. She hesitates, but pulls up her sleeve and fulls off all the bandages on her. On her arm the pain killers were going away, and her face was badly bruised and cut. Her nose looked like it was hit with great force, but she was just weak.

Tony looks at Peter, and Peter walks over to her. He looks at her for permission to lift up her arm. She nods, and he lifts it up to inspect it. Brandy bites down on her lip, and flinches.

" The pain killers are about to go away completely, it's going to hurt ok? " I hear Peter mutter to her reassuringly. She nods and the last of the pain killers fade away. She screws her eyes shut and bites down harder on her lip. Blood starts to drips from her lip in a small stream. Tony walks over and mutters something to her and walks back where he was working.

Tony's POV:
" Relax, your gonna have an attack. " I mutter quietly to the shaking kid. I walk back to my work station and I see the kid start to relax. Steve walks towards me. " They work well together. " I glance over at Peter trying to remove the bullet from his new friends arm. Occasionally, she would open her eyes in pain and they would glow red. Tears were falling down her cheeks, as Peter concentrated on removing the bullet.

After it was removed, I put some more pain killers on it and wrapped it up. She assured us that she didn't need bandages on her cuts on her face. She still had an injured gut though.

After everything, Brandy took a shower and put on fresh clothes. She put on a T-shirt and jeans. I noticed the T-shirt had an Ironman cartoon on it. She and Peter messed around for a bit, and Nat made dinner. Peter and Brandy sat beside each other and ate, I noticed that Peter was watching to make sure she was eating enough. It was a Friday, so she could stay over.

For dinner they had spaghetti, and talked as we are. Peter and Brandy were telling each other jokes and nonsense. The bandage on her arm was already getting red with blood. I should change her bandage after dinner.

We all put our plates up, and I changed her bandage. " I'm sorry. " I heard her murmur. I look up at her surprised. " What for? " " Well, I kinda came here on short notice and all I've done is waist y'all's time. " She says guiltiness creeping into her quiet voice. I stared at her for a moment and I furrow my brow.

" Your not waisting anyone's time. I'm very glad Peter texted me when he did. " She shifts on her feet. I look at her bruised and cut face, and wonder what told her to do what she did.

She hugged me weakly, and I hugged her back trying not to squeeze too hard. I watch her go upstairs to Peters room. I sigh and wait for everyone to go to bed, and I go to work in the lab.

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