Chapter fourty-six - you done screwed up!!

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Brandy's POV:
I haven't spoken to Bucky in weeks.

I can't take it.

I walk to the dinner table, and take a seat in front of him.

I know he's looking at me.

But I don't look up.

"How have you been for the weeks you've avoided me?" His cold voice says, his gaze burning into me.

I don't look up.

I know everyone's looking at me now.

"Hm? Why won't you talk to me?" His voice is sad now.

I look up and stare into his blue eyes.

But I don't say anything.

"Seriously, please say something!" He breaks the silence after a few minutes.

"There's nothing for me to say." I say quietly.

He seems confused. And happy.

"If you're confused, just ask."

"I would, but would you answer?" I look back down.


"It's complicated. You wouldn't understand." Bucky says with a sigh.

My eyes dart up, and I feel tears well up.

"That's all anyone ever says! Like I'm too stupid to understand anything! I'm not! I have a brain! Stop treating me like I'm a dog that can't talk, or understand you! I'm not!" I yell feeling the tears fall.

Bucky is taken aback.

"Please just stop acting like I'm a dumb canine that only obeys orders..." I say quietly trailing off.

I get up and walk to the elevator. I hear Bucky get up and walk after me, so I walk faster.

I reach it and order for the doors to close. The doors snap shut, and I tell FRIDAY to send me to the gym.

I walk out of the elevator towards the robotic fighting dummies. I switch them on, and face the four robots.

They tower over me menacingly and threateningly. One throws a punch that I catch. I crush it's hand with my hands, and feel cuts open along my palms.

I feel one of the other robots grab me and throw me across the room. I soar through the air and twist around, trying to get some control.

I hit the hard wall, and leave a dent. I peel myself off the wall, spit out blood, and run back towards the robots.

I leap into the air and face the four angry, robotic faces.

I kick one is the face and push another away with the other, in a split. (That hurt to imagine)

They crumple to the ground and power off. The other two seem infuriated, and grab at me.

I twist in their grip, and kick, and punch.

Soon they let go and I step back. They stare at me, expecting an attack.

I notice the deep crimson streams falling along my palms from multiple cuts. I watch for a moment as they drip to the floor, and I notice the small puddles that had formed around the fighting area.

I face the robots again, and leap into action.

I sweep my foot under ones leg, and as it falls I punch it into the air. I feel my knuckle open with cuts as well.

It fell to the ground and shut off. I faced the last one, and leaped into the air. I flipped over it's head, grabbing it in the process.

I brought it down to the floor roughly, and it shut down.

I notice I'm breathing heavily, and I look in the doorway and see Bucky with a pained expression.

I clench my injured hands, and crouch down on the floor.

I sense him stepping towards me, and I hold a hand up once he's a foot or two away.

"Just, don't." I say hoarsely.

He crouches down and grabs the hand I had held up. I wince, and hiss in pain.

"Let me help you." He says quietly.

I feel a tear fall down my face.

"Yeah, you can fix my hands, I guess." I say almost silently.

"Not just your hands. Your head. Your heart." He says, his grip tightening on my hand.

"I don't need you to fix those. I'll fix them myself." I look away from him.

"No, no you can't. Y'know, I thought that too. But then you fixed mine. I need to return the favor." Bucky says with sincerity.

I look over at him as he bandages up my hand.

"Don't do that." I say flatly.

"Do what?" He looks up.

"Give me hope." I say, voice cracking.

"It's my job." He states, causing my head to tilt.

"What are you my dad or something?" He seems to freeze.

"Wait, what?!" I grab my hand away, and grip it to my chest.

He stares at me, and I stare back.

I bolt upward, and run towards a window. Bucky bolts after me.

I beat my fists against it, cutting them more. The window shatters and I shift into a cat, and slip out.

I run along the streets and reach the beach.

I stare at it from afar, and sigh.

I jump from my post and begin my long walk.

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