Chapter thirty-two - one two, frick you!

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The picture above is my doggo Firefly.

Brandy's POV:
From the title you probably get it. You must be wondering what happened. If you are, be patient, shut your traps, and listen.

Remember Vulture? Y'know, the rat who keeps escaping and trying to kill us. Well, you'll never guess what he did today.

The little s___ decided, ' hey, I'ma escape today and stab the little poo who put me in here!' And boy did he succeed.

Just not in the stabbing part.

I need to get better at catching you guys up, huh?

" Hey! Stop breaking the fourth wall, that's my thing!"

" Sorry Wade, no can do."

Anyways, so he found my school and also decided he was Wreck it Ralph.

Caught up, done.

I look over at my trembling peers, and sigh. I stand up. " What are you doing, Freak?! Trying to get killed?!" Flash hissed quietly.

I popped my knuckles. " Freak out, and your dead." I face the Vulture and shift into a wolf. I hear gasps from my classmates, and teacher. I ignore it.

" Ah, so we really did find you, huh? We can go look for your family too, or I could destroy everyone in this school." My ears swerve back, and my pupils slit.

My eyes go red, and I feel a deep growl rise in my chest. " Neither sounds great. Y'know, it wasn't an empty threat when I said I would kill you worse than you dusting like pruney the dinosaur." My tail flicks back and forth in annoyance.

" I'd like to see you try." He lifts up his gauntlets, and points it towards the students. I pounce on him, and he blasts at me.

I dodge and pace around him. I feel everyone's eyes burning through my fur into my skin. Suddenly I'm knocked to the ground, and I'm being pushed down by another wolf. Ugh, it was that Sandman.

I claw down his exposed stomach, and throw him off. He regains composure quickly, and pounces back. I dodged away, and grab his tail.

I throw him, and watch him hit the wall and fall into unconsciousness. I turn back to the Vulture. I use my paw to wipe some blood that was now leaking from a gash in my forehead.

I shift back to a human and cross my arms. " Really? A bird came to a dog fight? Oh wait, he hired a mutt to fight for him. No wonder he's called the Vulture. Waits for others to do the dirty work and then claim it as his work. Discusting."

He flinches a bit at this.

" What do you really want? What drives you to keep on trying to kill us? To kill me? Did I do something wrong to you?" He clenches his fists and looks up at me.

" You think your the good guy, when your worse than me! You have done nothing to make up for your crimes!" Flash turns his gaze to the Vulture.

" Dad?" The Vulture turns to him with his eyes widened. " Eugene..." He reaches for his son, but his son flinches away.

The Vulture turns to me again. His words. They were true. They were the exact words I told myself every morning when I wake up. They are the words I tell myself.

I feel a tear fall from my eye. " You know what?" The Vulture seems taken aback by my sadness. " Your right. I've done nothing to make up for the things I've done. But, I'm trying. I'm trying really hard so people would stop glaring at me like I'm the devil!"

I wipe my eyes with my sleeve. " I've almost been killed more times than I can count. Have you ever stopped to think, ' hey, wonder why she did those things?' instead of just springing into action."

He's at a loss for words.

" No, I haven't... The only thing I wonder is why you have so many scars." I shift into a leopard and train my eyes on him.

" You could say I didn't grow up in the best place. You could say I grew up thinking you can't show emotion, or they'll hurt you. I grew up thinking if you showed pain, they would hurt you."

" Wh-what do you m-mean?" A quiet voice from the back of the room sqeaked.

" Ever heard of Hydra? Ever heard of the Winter Soldier? Yeah, he's the best person you will ever meet. Besides Peter of course." I close my eyes and focus on my heartbeat.

" Oh." Most of the class said awestruck.

I open my eyes and stare at the Vulture, who had gotten closer. " Now. When I send you to prison this time, stay there. If you get near my family I will not hesitate to fight, or kill you." I hiss pulling my mouth into a snarl.

He nods, and stays still. I exhale and stand up. " Now, Brandy, would you mind explaining what the h___ happened this time?" I hear Bucky's angry voice in the doorway.

I turn to see most of the Avengers. " Hey guys. How are you guys on this fine day?" I force a smile and shift into my human form.

" Your impossible, kid." Tony sighed pinching the bridge of his nose. " I know." I sigh. " Woah, it's the Avengers!" One of my classmates practically scream.

" Yes, it is. And you better be happy that Peter got us!" Steve jabs a finger at me. I feel like sinking into the floor.

" Well, at least I'm not dead." I say with a mutual face. I hear a growl, and see the now awake, Sand-wolf.

I shift into a wolf and Tony glares at me as if to say, ' don't you even think about it!' I turn around and face the sandy figure.

We pace each other, and don't take our eyes off one another. I flick my tail and my ears flatten. We both pounce, and I claw and push him away.

He lands, and pounces again. He holds me down, and I use my back legs to push him into the air. I jump up, and push him down causing him to black out again.

" That was interesting." I sigh shifting into a human. " Your bleeding." I feel a hand on my shoulder and I wince. He had used his claws at hold me down.

I look up to see a worried Bucky. I shrug his hand off ignoring the deep pain. " Not that bad." " Eh, it's pretty bad. Take your hoodie off." I groan in annoyance but take off my hoodie. I had a white ( now red) shirt on, and I heard gasps.

I look over at the surprised students. " What? It's not that bad, been through worse." I see Flash's gaze on my arm.

" What happened to your arm?" I look down at my burned arm and sigh. " I made a sacrifice, that I'm happy I made." I hold my arm up inspecting it.

" Stay still! I need to bandage you up properly!" Bucky says trying to bandage my shoulders. " You know that is physically impossible, right?" I joke. He rolls his eyes, as I shuffle my feet.

" What do you mean ' been through worse'?" Someone pipes up. I freeze, and I feel everyone's gaze land on me.

I clear my throat, and inhale and exhale deeply. " Just the truth. This is like a tiny scratch compared to.... other circumstances."

Everyone is quiet as the police arrive and take the two villains away.

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