Chapter twenty-two - what do you do when this happens?

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Brandy's POV:
I sat on a bed in the med bay, with my legs swung over the side. I laid my head down and curled up into a ball. I knew they were fighting. I heard their shouting and flinched.

I closed my eyes and was drowned in the world of sleep.

I was sitting in a dark room. There were chains on my neck, arms, legs. I was being held down, and I saw Bucky being held in a chair behind the man in front of me. The man looked down at me and snorted in discust.

" Family."

" No."

" Friends."

" No!" I was fighting against the chains now, as he spoke the words in Russian.

" Bucky."

" No, stop! Please!" I tore the chains from my arms. My arms dripping with blood from the struggle.

" Love."

I gripped my ears and tore off the rest of my chains.

" Forever gone."

I felt my memories go blank at the words.

" Soldier, are you ready?"

" Ready to comply." I say following his rules.

Bucky is staring at me horrified. I just glare, and follow.

---------time skip in dream-------------

" You have dissapointed me, Wolf." I heard the angered voice of Semo as he dug through his desk, searching for his knife.

I had resisted the control, but he didn't know. I stuck with my character at the time.

" I'm sorry, sir. I will not fail again." I say in an emotionless, monotone voice.

" No, you won't, Soldier." He carved into my skin repeatedly, and I hold back tears.

After he covers my arms and legs in deep gashes, he pushes me into Bucky and I's cell.

I shifted into a wolf and curled up in a corner. I saw Bucky looking at me in shock.

" Guess I should stop resisting and saving the people I'm assigned to kill, huh?" I sarcastically joke. He sighs and walks over. I sit up, and he sits beside me.

" Can you tell me another story about you and Steve?" I ask innocently.

Suddenly, a guard kicks down the door and Bucky runs out. They grab for him, while others grab for me. They drive their weapons into me, causing me to shreak-

I bolt upward and relax when I see a worried Steve and Bucky. " Are you ok? I know nightmares can be bad." Bucky worriedly asked.

" Yeah, I'm ok."

" What was it about?"

" When you ran away from Hydra, and they attacked me." I didn't mean to say it out loud, I only meant to say it in my head. I cover my mouth and sigh. I curse myself internally, as I see Bucky wince.

I get out of the bed and rip the cords out. Steve seems startled, and confused. Bucky? He's unreadable. I walk to Peter and I's room, and I change into my suit in the bathroom. I jump from the window, and I leap from buildings.

I stop a few muggings.

I stop a few robberies.

Until I hear a screech behind me. I turn around, only to be pushed down by none other than the bird guy.

I am lifted into the air, and he lands on top of the Avengers Tower. I leap from his grasp, shifting into a wolf and guarding the door the leads inside. I growl and stand still. He hold up a blaster and blasts me continuously.

I'm covered in burns, and my legs are shaking by the time he stops. He makes a move towards me, and I feel my eyes go to slits. I bare my fangs, and get into a hunting crouch.

" Why do you fight for good?"

His question surprised me.

" Oh, who else should I fight for? You?" I hiss.

" No, what drives you to do good?"

I think for a moment, not looking away from him. " Knowing if I get hurt, and they don't. Knowing they can live another day, and I can get hurt instead of them. Knowing I'm getting what I deserve, because they don't!" I growl harshly.

He steps towards me again. I growl deeper, threateningly. " So you believe that if you are hurt, or killed, it won't matter because they will be ok?" He says, with a strange edge of humour. Sick humour.

" Why don't you let me in, and I'll have a chat with the adults?" He says shooing me. I snarl, and jump at him. I hold him down, and don't let go. I shift into a tiger, and every time he struggles I dig my claws into his shoulders.

" Seems a certain someone has broken out of jail." I hear Tony hiss. I don't turn around, I just keep a firm grip on him.

" Ah, Ironman. Or should I say Tony? Pleasure to meet you and your Avengers. Me and Wolf were just talking." I stiffen and hold him down harder when I hear him say wolf.

" Brandy, stand down it's fine." I hear Steve calmly say behind me. I let go harshly, and he lays there rubbing his bleeding shoulders for a moment. He sits up, and looks at them. I stand close to him, just in case if he strikes.

" So your the owners of this wild animal, huh?" He snickers and I feel a growl growing in my throat. I feel a hand on my shoulder and I relax a bit.

" For one, no we're not her owner. Two, she is not a wild animal. I also think she might fulfill her promise she told you back when you were arrested." Bucky spat beside me with his hand still on my shoulder.

The strange villian visably shivers at the idea. " Eh, lucky for him he's not already dust blowing in the wind. I must say though, he's not half as bad as Thanos." I hiss not taking my gaze off the evil bird.

He glances at me, and I glare more. My pupils are still slits, and my tail is flicking dangerously. The man flinches away, and I step towards him.

" Your going back to where you came from. Jail." Tony says with a hint of satisfaction.

The man laughs. " As if you cou-!" Before he could finish, I've already pinned him again.

The police finally arrive, and I sigh. I watch as they drive off with the idiot.

I shift into a cat while stretching, and I pad into the building. I was tired, and fell asleep curled up on the couch.

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