Chapter thirty-nine - little fox

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Bucky's POV:
It's been a few weeks since Brandy has shifted. I'm starting to worry.

She seemed so terrified when Natasha admitted her fear.


One of the only things that brought Brandy to comfort.

That must've hurt. Knowing someone you love is terrified of what you can be.

Wait.... oh no.

Brandy's POV:
It's been weeks. I'm not going to shift. I'm afraid of myself, and I've learned someone else is too.

I look down at my hand. I feel so tired. My skin itches in temptation.

I pull a blanket over my shoulders and wrap it around me. I hear a quiet knock on my door.

"Come in." Even my voice has become fainter.

I see Bucky shuffle in awkwardly. He sits down across from me, on my bed.

He shuffles his hands a bit, and looks up.

"Why haven't you shifted in a while? Don't you like it? Didn't you say it calms you?" His questions lay flatly along my head. I blink and look down.

"Of course I like it! It's just..." My voice breaks at the end.

"Just what?" Bucky has moved closer.

"Nat is afraid of something I can be. I am too. I'm afraid of what I can do." I look back up, and he's looking down at me with his brow furrowed.

"Yes, but, she's afraid of dogs. Not everything."

"That's the thing. I basically represent dogs. I can't hide something I was made to be." I look back down and fiddle with my fingers.


My gaze snaps back up at his commanding, yet soft tone.

"Bucky, no-"

"Shift right now. It's not healthy to bottle up everything. Dogs and wolves are free and wild spirits. You need to release that. Right now." His voice was pleading, yet forcing.

I stare down at my hands. My eyebrows knitted close together in thought.

"I don't like it when people are afraid." Bucky seems confused and surprised.

"What do you mean?" He lifts my chin up and makes me look up at him.

"I know I was made to be feared, but I hate it. I hate it when people are afraid. Afraid of me."

He hums in response.

I sigh, and look back down.

I close my eyes.

And shift.

I shift into a snow colored arctic wolf. With fluffy fur and piercing amber eyes.

"There." I sit down in front of him.

"Are you happy?"

He stares at me. Shock obvious on every feature in his face.

I bring my tail over my paws and my ears flatten to the side a bit.

He does something that surprises me.

He brings a hand up, and scratches behind my ear. He strokes from my head down my neck.

I can't help but lean into the touch silently.

I hear a gasp from the door. My head snaps towards it, alert. I see most of the Avengers gathered in the doorway with smiles. Even Nat.

"Omg she's so flooofy!!" Funcle Clint practically shrieks.

Steve has a soft smile, and Strange is calmly smirking.

Everyone walks in, and I shrink away. They step around the bed, and stay there.

I straighten and look around. They seem... happy? And calm?

I stretch out, and shift into many things quickly. I stop on a white fox with gray thrown in here and there, and it's eyes were a striking blue.

I sit in a loaf position (y'know what cats do) and accept what's happening. Everyone, one by one stroked me.

That may sound creepy and weird, but it felt nice to be back.

Finally Strange looked down at me. He lifted me up, and held me close.

"I'm sorry, whatever happened made you think it wasn't ok to do what you enjoy. I'm deeply sorry about." I felt tears brim my eyes.

I cuddle close to him, and he eventually puts me back down.

Peter is next to Bucky now. I padded over and laid in-between them, and twisted onto my back trying to get comfortable.

I end up rolling a bit, and finally getting comfortable by putting my head against Bucky, and my legs and tail resting on Peter.

Bucky rubbed circles along my spine, causing me to relax.

I quietly mutter a song.

A song I love.

And just close my eyes.

And relax.


I can rest.


Sorry it's kinda short, I'm tired and haven't slept yet. Btw it's five in the morning.

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