Part 1

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Hunters and animals were always at war with each other, but before that happen, planet earth was once rule by beast of all kind it was peaceful there all type and size, until humans came from the skies and stared killing each beast, there were special beast that were gifted with elemental magic and those beast were the guardians of the planet while the other animals were average normal animal size these were different, the first was a tiger the size of elephants, were in control of the inferno magic meaning fire, anything to do with heat and earth was their specialty, now the second were the eagles size of a bear, they control wind and lightning, now last were the wolves size of horses, which weal the magic of water and plants, they were able to create and move the water at their command and create trees and flowers, all three beast were in charge of making sure the world was balance, but when the humans came they trapped every animal and killed the others, the humans had brought a weapon that was able to destroy the lands and make the ground tremble, it was hard for the guardians since the guardians were limited on how many offspring are born, since they were limited, they were slowly outnumbered and with the humans weapon were push back and with time they disappeared, some animals say that the guardians were cowards for running, humans say they are extinct, but for some animals that still are loyal to their guardians know where they are at, though the guardians lost the battle, they never really lost the land, thanks to other animals that were able to run away the humans were left to do as they please with the earth, time pass and most guardian animals were underground were humans have yet to notice, they all gather waiting for help, soon the leaders of the guardians discuss that they would give the ability to animals who would not mind blending in with the humans, since the guardians we out match they had decided to wait their time, and if they were to defeat these humans then they would have to out think them, and the only way was to infiltrate and learn about them, some were in agreement while other animals were against it and wanted to attack and get the land back, the guardians were against it at first, but at the same time they to hated the fact that they lost the first battle...

Regnor: "Listen everyone, if we attack them now we will be risking everyone here, it was hard to hold them off, they have weapons that we do not understand and therefore must by time and figure out these intruders and their weakness"

Zeta: "I agree with Regnor, we must plan our next steps, we must not rush into these, if we do then we will fail, just like we did the last time, I am sure we will find their weakness and win our planted back from them"

Jiri: "You Wolves and Tigers are weak and pathetic, hiding like this is not something I agree with, its time to take action now before things get worse, we might not be able to win them next time, if we let them continue in our land they will slowly get stronger, I can feel that these humans will only get stronger the longer we let them stay here, we have no time to waste, lets just quickly send a few in to scout and then attack!"

Regnor the leader of the tigers and Zeta leader of the wolves' sigh...

Regnor: "Though I agree a bit with what your say, the matter of the issue is that we will put the lives of other animals at risk, and for something we were not ready for, we may never be ready, but time will play a big role here..."

Jiri did her eagle noise and a bit of lighting spark from her body...

Jiri: "Listen Regnor and Zeta, if you want to hid for the rest of your lives then do that, but my eagle and I with other who want to get this over with will get this done fast and when we succeed we will be the one who will be right, now animals who is with us eagles, I will lead you to victory, or would you rather hid like the wolves and tigers that think waiting will be better, the more time we waist the more that die, I won't wait and see our land die"

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