Chapter 1

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15 years later

   Selene was walking around a ruined town, but not just any town, oh no, the town she was in was indeed her home town of Vesina. A town that was once full of life and close to the sea. A town she would have grown up in had she not been taken away by her mother and left in Kaer morhen. Then again had she stayed she probably would have died like almost everyone else did. Oh yes, selene wasn't stupid, she was very much aware of the fact her home had been destroyed due to monsters and other humans.

    Making her way down the Now ruined path, a path that was now overrun with weeds and grass. Shaking her head she looked around and saw the ruined homes, some still managed to stand but they seemed almost unsafe to enter. Yet this wasn't her destination, oh no, she needed to get to the heart of her town. There she would hopefully be able to find some answers. As she continued to move around she could see some animals that had decided to make this ruin their home. With a soft sigh she continued to walk.

    As she walked she felt her grandmother's necklace begin to pulse against her neck. Stopping she looked down at the simple necklace and tilted her head. "Now I wonder what this means..." shaking her head she finally made it Into the center of the town where somehow it still stood tall and proud, a fierce reminder of what it once was. The heart of Vesina, where they had festivals and where some would worship the gods. Selene shook her head and walked up the stairs to what was once their library.

    Taking a deep breath Selene slowly but surely opened the door, her right hand on her sword just Incase something was inside even though she didn't sense anything, however the necklace from her grandma pulsed once more yet the medallion remained calm. With once quick push the door was open and the sound reverberated throughout the room. A cloud of dust raised up from the motion of the door opening and Selene coughed as she waved her hand. "God damn that's a lot of dust."

    Once the dust had finally cleared up did she move deeper inside, heading towards the section that contained the history of Vesina. However as she got closer she could see a vast majority of the books were missing and she cursed. "I swear if someone stole these I'm going to track them down and kill them." However she continued to look, upon finding a few books that were still intact and thankfully not ruined did she put them into her bag and walk to yet another section. This one however seemingly had all their books and while a vast majority were ruined she was still able to find the ones she needed.

    And much like her first set, she put those into her bag as well. "Alright....lets get the fuck out of here." She was still speaking to herself but it was better then letting the uneasy silence linger around her. With quick and precise steps she was finally back outside and closed the door behind her once more. "Might as well see what else is still Standing while I'm here though." Again she spoke to herself, but what else was there to do, she had no company, and that is soon how she found herself missing Geralt. "Maybe I should go and track him down. I mean it's been years since I've seen him." Shaking her head, she walked once more down the path, yet this time she slid in and out of stores and whatever homes she could.

    She wanted to see what was still salvageable, to see what she could still use. Finding a handful of herbs that thankfully hasn't gone bad, especially since they were left to their own devices, and potions did she nod to herself. Occasionally she would pick up a book, or even someone's clothes, only to throw those to the side. As she walked out of the last home did she realize that she was on the path that would have taken her to her grandmother's home. Selene frowned as she recognized the area and found herself wondering if her childhood home was still standing.

    "Guess there's only one way to find out.." And with that she continued to walk down the path hoping she would be able to see her grandmother's home once more.

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