Chapter 36

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It wasn't long until both Selene and Geralt Made it to the forest that Iorveth had spoken of, or more like written about, and he was right. Selene could easily smell the water in the air. Looking over at Geralt she gave a smile as she reached out to take his hand. "Well? Are you ready to go track him down?" He chuckled as he took her hand with his own. "Yes, I'm ready to go find this book. Then we can start looking for your mother."
    Selene nodded and with that the two started to head into the forest. They would still have two books to track down. As they made their way down the path and deeper into the forest Selene was finally able to hear voices. "We're close." Geralt looked at her and nodded before lacing his fingers with her own. Once they could see some of the Scoia'tael. As they walked a few looked over at them and nodded their heads. Others were more excited and walked over to talk for a few minutes.
     While Selene looked around Geralt simply stood beside her talking to one of the others until something caught the young woman's eye. Letting go of Geralt's hand she ran over to someone. "Iorveth!" Said man finally looked up at the familiar voice and he smiled. "Sor'ca! You finally made it!" He raised an eyebrow before he recognized Geralt. "And you've brought Gwynbleidd as well." Selene smiled as she quickly hugged the man who simply returned it.
    "Oh how you've changed Sor'ca. To think that years ago you cringed at the simple mention of a hug." She laughed. "Yeah, a lots changed. But tell me why have you summoned me?" He shook his head. "All in due time Sor'ca, all in due time. For now both you and Gwynbleidd should rest and we can all catch up."
    Geralt Gad finally walked over to them before shaking the man's hand. "It's good to see you again." "Like wise Geralt, Tell me is anything new with you?" He chuckled. "I proposed to Selene if that's what you're asking." Brown eyes widened and be smiled. "Congratulations." He watched as Selene walked away to talk with one of the others before moving towards Geralt. "Now know this, we may be friends but that's my sister in all But blood, I will end you if you hurt her, and should anyone else harm her I will burn the city to the ground."
    Geralt hid a shudder. "I knew you would still burn Cities to the ground." Iorveth stepped back. "We haven't attacked humans in years Geralt. I say this as a brother to Selene." He nodded. "Yeah, Selene told me about that. Wanna explain what's made you change your views?" Iorveth shrugged. "Selene. Not directly but she did."
    Geralt only stared at him. Iorvath sighed as he looked to the sky. "Walk with me Gwynbleidd, this is a bit of a tale." And with that the two walked off. Once they were far enough away did Iorveth begin to speak. "Humans had attacked us, ambushing us on the side of the road. Selene was thankfully nearby at the time and showed up like some type of saving grace. She disarmed the humans before yelling at both sides."


Iorveth and his hunting party were returning from a trip, a simple hunting trip in which they were able to get enough food to feed those who were with them. However they were soon ambushed by Tamerian Soldiers. They had managed to harm the youngest one in the party and disarmed most of them. Iorveth was able to hold onto his weapon but with so many disarmed and the boy hurt he knew he would have to be fast. However he didn't even have time to blink before someone came out of the trees.
   A blade swung out sideways disarming the one before the figured turned in a graceful arc, the blade swinging true once more. This time it hit home and sent the sword flying into a tree. Iorveth's eyes widened as he finally saw the long black hair blowing in the breeze and narrowed silver eyes. Moving quickly she parried and blocked, knocking swords to the ground before she suddenly vanished, only to appear seconds later Behind the captain. "Drop your weapons now!" No one hesitated, neither group wanted to be on Selene's bad side.
    "Sor'ca!?" Came the startled cry of one of his men and Selene gave the man a soft smile. Before shoving the captain from her and sheathing her sword running over she began to patch up the young boys injuries, her eyes narrowing with hate at how bad it was. "How dare you." No one breathed at the low sound of anger that was behind her normally calm voice.
      "How dare any of you!" Finishing here job she stood up and glared at each and everyone one of them. "You could have killed him!" "He's the enemy!" She turned to theTamerian soldier who spoke her eyes narrowed and now her stance was deadly. "I don't give a shit! They didn't attack you! And he's just a child in comparison!" "The enemy is an enemy regardless of age!" Selene punched the man in his face only for him to kick her into a tree. "Sor'ca!" Iorvath yelled as he went to draw his sword. Several other Scoia'tael had also drawn their swords and just as it seemed like a fight would once again break out did Selene stand.
    Her eyes narrowed, blood trickled down the side of her head and the commander hit the guard. "We do not attack the Witcher!" "Shes with them!" Selene's voice finally boomed throughout the forest. "I am WITH NO ONE! I am my own person! I am called Sor'ca, but that is how they view me! I call them family, because it's how I view them! However I stand on neither side of this bullshit! You're all immature children! Not all elves are bad, the same way not all humans are bad! Maybe if you all took your heads out of your asses you could see you are more alike then you'll ever admit!"
    When she finally went silent, multiple eyes were wide, the Tamerians finally looked Guilty and the captain turned to apologize. "Apology accepted, now run along, we can tell some of you need medical treatment from Selene's beating." The soldiers shared a look and bowed their heads to Selene before they vanished. Silver eyes met brown and she crossed her arms. She was daring someone to challenge her on what she said.
    However Iorveth was now seeing her in a new light. She didn't stand for social injustice, she didn't pick a side unless one was extremely wrong and a threat to everyone around them. She was neutral. Like most Witcher's, but most Witcher's wouldn't have befriended the Scoia'tael, most would have done their job and left, Selene was a mystery in her own way. It was this moment, how she not only yelled at the humans but even at him and his group.
     This made him begin to look at the way Selene saw the world. She didn't see it as black and white, she saw all of it. The ugly, the bad, good, beautiful and color. She saw the black and white, but it was more grey areas as well. It was her ability to listen, observe that made her who she was. And he realized the next time he saw humans he would have to really look, see if they were the monsters he was always lead to believe. "My apologies Selene, we only retaliated though."
     "I know, just next time be more careful." He smiled and with that he reached out and took her hand. "Then come Sor'ca that head of yours needs to be tended to." She laughed and simply followed.

    Flashback ends-

   "So the next time I was around humans I did just that, I looked at them, I studied them, and I saw that not all of them are monsters. Not all of them wanted death for my own. In fact some even sheltered us at one point." Geralt was amazed before he nodded. "That really does sound like her, and I see what you mean when you said she wasn't directly involved." Iorveth nodded. "But let's go, we should head back before she worries." And with that the two took off back to the camp.

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