Chapter 19

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Silver eyes widened and even Geralt looked amazed. "Congratulations to you both." Selene nodded as she looked at Priscilla. "Yeah, congrats, if he hurts you just let us know we'll kick his ass." The blonde haired woman laughed yet Selene felt numb. She was zoning out, unaware of those around her, and the talking, it was like an annoying buzzing noise in the background. While Geralt spoke to Dandelion, Zoltan kept a trained eye on Selene. He could see guilt in her eyes and he was suddenly worried.

     "Lass? Selene you alright?" Yet she didn't hear him, she was stuck on what Dandelion had said. That and the fact because she had up and left for as long as she did she missed out on crucial points in her friends life. She wasn't even aware that everyone was now looking at her. She didn't come until someone placed a hand on her shoulder which jolted her out of her thoughts. "Sel? You alright?"

   Flinching at the worried tone she simply backed away. Her throat felt tight, she was unable to answer. Instead she turned on her heel and bolted out of the inn. "Selene!" Priscilla's eyes widened with worry at the way the silver eyed woman ran off. "What...what just happened, why did she run?" Zoltan finally spoke up as Dandelion ran out after his sister. Geralt was shocked to the very core. "I think it's guilt." "Why would she feel that way?"

    Zoltan looked at Geralt and nudged him. "He's best to explain." Priscilla turned to look at him before she motioned him to follow her away from prying ears and eyes. The two men simply shrugged and followed her up the stairs to the main room. "Okay, so explain because I don't get it." Geralt sighed as he ran his hand down her face. "She feels horrible." "Why?" "She missed so much. For 15 years she traveled around, traveling from place to place as she looked for answers and to enjoy the solitude of being alone." No one spoke as they waited for him to continue.

     "The last time Selene was in Novigrad was 8 years ago. She saw Dandelion briefly as she was constantly moving and now coming back, hearing he's engaged. I think it set the guilt in motion. She's upset with herself." Zoltan looked down and even Priscilla didn't know what to say. "But, that's not her fault. You said it yourself, you said she was looking for answers." He nodded at this. "Yes but I see where he comes from. Selene sees Dandelion as a brother, and as a sister it's vital to her to be there for family."

   Geralt nodded once again. "He's right, there's also the fact that while we were in white orchard someone mentioned marriage to her and I think it got her thinking." Priscilla looked at him and crossed her arms. "Wanna explain?" "She's never thought of marriage. We all always believe we'll die on the path." The other two flinched. "Let me start at the beginning because I'm planning something and I need help."

    With Selene.

  Selene ran, she didn't pay attention to where she was going, all she knew is she needed to get away. Guilt ate her alive, along with the knowledge that she never once thought of marriage. Firmly believing she would die on the path. She was so out of it that she didn't realize she was being followed until she was suddenly tackled to the ground. "Wh....what?" The other person at this point was panting. "Jeez, I forgot how fast you can run without getting winded."

    Selene blinked before she turned her head and looked at Dandelion, his eyes full of worry. "Dandelion?" "Yeah, it's me." Standing up he dusted himself off before pulling Selene to her feet as well. "Wanna tell me what's eating you alive?" Selene flinched before she hugged herself and he frowned. "Selene, talk to me." "I feel bad, because I went missing for so long, I missed so much of your life. I missed out on you falling in love, I missed out on you proposing. And then...I found myself thinking I won't have that."

   Dandelion blinked and wondered what she meant. "Selene?" "I never thought I would marry, or meet someone who would get married. Mainly because I know I can die at anytime on the path." Dandelion's eyes widened, Geralt wasn't going to marry her? Well it would seem he would need to have a long overdue talk with the man because his sister deserved that happiness.

    "Oh Selene, you can't be upset by this. I mean I get it trust me. But you had your own issues, you had answers you needed to find." Selene looked down and he placed a hand on her shoulder. "Come on Sel, you're here now. And that means more to me then you know." Selene finally looked at him and gave a weak smile. "There we go. But Selene I'm serious I wouldn't dream of getting married without my best friend and sister here to witness it." That made her laugh and slowly helped chase away the feeling of guilt.

    "Now let's get back shall we? Or do you need some more time?" Selene frowned and went to speak when her medallion pulsed a second too late. Silver and brown eyes widened as a clawed hand went right through her stomach. "Selene!" Said woman was shocked, eyes widened and she was clearly In pain as she spat out a mouthful of blood. A blood curdling scream leaving her lips as the arm was ripped out of the now gaping hole in her stomach and she staggered forward. Yet she didn't give up, she couldn't, she had to protect Dandelion. Drawing her silver sword she turned to face the creature, her eyes narrowing at the sight of a Katakana. "Let's go fucker."

     Geralt had finished telling his plan when a weird feeling filled his gut and he looked at Priscilla and Zoltan. "Let's go." "What?" "Let's go, something wrong and I can't chase the feeling." "Could it be Selene?" "Probably." "But she's a Witcher." Geralt shook his head. And that's when they could all hear people screaming from the gates. "On second thought, let's go." The three ran down the stairs and out the door heading right for the gate where the screaming was loudest.

   Geralt faltered for a second, and only a second he could smell blood and lots of it. Panic and dread filled his being before he pushed himself to run faster. And the site before him caused him to falter and his blood ran cold. "Geralt?" Yet he didn't respond and Zoltan looked over to see what caught his attention. Not even 10 feet from them laid a dead Katakana, but what made his eyes widen in horror was the sight of Selene laying in Dandelions arms bleeding out from the gaping hole in her stomach. "Selene.."

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