Chapter 6

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Erik blinked for a moment before he nodded. "Of course Selene, feel free to ask away." Selene simply nodded before she looked to Geralt before he squeezed her hand letting her know he was there. "You've heard of Vesina right?" "I have, why do you ask?" Selene frowned slightly before she spoke again. "It's my.... it was my home. As I'm sure you're aware it's a pile of ruins now."

    "Indeed I am aware of that." Selene's shes narrowed slightly before she calmed down. "But why do you ask about Vesina Selene?" "I was there recently, looking around the town for a few books." Erik blinked confused once more. "Okay?" Selene shook her head. "Someone else was there, in the ruins of Vesina, they took books, very old and extremely rare books."

    Erik's eyes widened at this. "What books?" Selene hesitated before she pulled out one of the books she took from the library and showed him. "These books." Erik looked at the book and went to take it but stopped. "I'm sorry but, my I see?" Selene nodded and handed him the book and watched as he slowly but carefully opened it and flipped through some of the pages.

    Everyone was silent for a few moments before he spoke. "Marvelous, this book tells about the history of Vesina, but why do you ask about these books?" He simply closed the book as he spoke and handed it back to Selene. "I was wondering if in your travels you've seen anyone else with these books."

   Erik shook his head. "I'm afraid not Selene, I've also never been to Vesina. I'm sorry I can't be of more help." Selene sighed before she put the book away. "It's Alright Erik, thank you for your help and be safe on your travels." "Of course thank you selene, the same to you." Selene went to climb up onto Raven with Geralt's help only to stop as Erik spoke once more. "However, should I learn anything about these books or even find one I will contact you and Geralt immediately."

    Geralt looked over at the same time Selene did and she smiled softly. "That would be appreciated Erik, thank you once again." Geralt simply nodded and made sure Selene was safely on Raven before he mounted Roach. "Alright, lets go Sel." Selene nodded and watched as Erik walked away before she urged raven to follow Geralt out of the town.

   They rode in silence for a moment as they left the town of Lesuna. "So, what's with those books Sel?" Selene looked over at Geralt before she looked around to make sure they were truly alone before she spoke. "Those books are from my home as I stated earlier." "Right from Vesina. I'm still amazed they're even in one piece." She nodded. "That was my
Surprise as well, these books tell about Vesina's history, how it became and how it earned its name. However many of them are missing, the same with the books on the language."

    Geralt frowned at this and rubbed his chin. "You don't think someone stole them do you? Or it could be possible that during the time of the war, someone managed to take those key books and run off?" Selene frowned as she considered what he had just said.

    "That very well could be a possibility, one of the towns folks could have taken them not having time to grab them all and run off into hiding, the question is would anyone still be alive to know of them, and where they could be. Even if it's a descendant." Geralt nodded. "True, we can always look around, ask Vesemir to keep his eyes and ears open."

    "That's fine, but no one else, the less people who know about these books the better. But if some low life common bandit took those books I'll kill them in cold blood." The way she said that made Geralt shudder as he felt his blood run cold. "And this is why I always refused to get on your bad side. But, how and when would they have had the time?"

    Selene looked at him and sighed. "Not sure, plenty of time though, it's not like many monsters are in Vesina, and it's not like people would go out of there way to avoid it, well normal people would, bandits however...." Geralt nodded; she didn't need to say more. "Right, so change of topic, where the fuck are we going now?" Selene laughed as she looked over at him. "Well, I'm not entirely sure, but we are close to the boats, perhaps we can head to white Orchid, see if we can't learn anything."

    Geralt looked over with a smirk before he reached over and grabbed her hand. "Wherever you go, I'll simply follow, so lead the way Sel." And with that the Two quickly changed course to head for the ships, next stop White Orchard.

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